Forum Replies Created
Hello Elementor Child (Hello-Elementor-Child)
Woocommerce Version 9.4.3
The rule is switched OFF – when plug in is activated – then Klarna cannot be selected
Deactivate plug in and it can be selected.
Provide an email address for more info to be supplied please
Same problem for us too – selecting Klarna just sets the checkout in a loop.
I have done a bit of searching and found why this is not a common action – I feel that you fall foul of the WordPress rules as below.
<h3 id=”10-plugins-may-not-embed-external-links-or-credits-on-the-public-site-without-explicitly-asking-the-users-permission” class=”is-toc-heading wp-block-heading” tabindex=”-1″ style=”white-space: normal; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Inter, sans-serif; margin-block: 20px 0px; outline: currentcolor; margin-top: var(–wp–preset–spacing–40);”>10. Plugins may not embed external links or credits on the public site without explicitly asking the user’s permission.</h3>
All “Powered By” or credit displays and links included in the plugin code must be optional and default to?<em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>notshow on users’ front-facing websites. Users must opt-in to displaying any and all credits and links via clearly stated and understandable choices, not buried in the terms of use or documentation. Plugins may not require credit or links be displayed in order to function. Services?<em style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>are?permitted to brand their output as they see fit, provided the code is handled in the service and not the plugin.
You do not explicitly ask users each time the plug-in is updated.
Why It Matters:?This respects the user’s control over their site’s appearance and prevents unwanted advertising.
That is a ridiculous and poor decision. Adding advertising for your own product sneakily on every upgrade is not within the sprit of plugins for WordPress. I do not know of another plug-in that does that on the customer facing side of a site.