it was my mistake – I apologize. I’ve been working on this all night and typed that in wrong.
I saved a copy of the index.php file to my drive. I modified it with the correct info to read:
/* Short and sweet */
define(‘WP_USE_THEMES’, true);
then I uploaded it to the root and /blog directory again, overwriting what was there in the blog folder with the index.php file. I verified that the index.php file is in both locations and is the version above then made sure in options I have this set in:
WordPress URL:
Blog Address:
I’m sure it’s something so easy I’ll feel like a dork for not seeing it. ??
Thanks so much for taking the time to help me out. I am a first time user (there are no entries to my blog or anything) and am LOVING it so far after using Expression Engine for 5 years now.
My blog is here: and my domain root is the .
thank you so much again!