Forum Replies Created
That did the trick! Thanks alot mate
On second thought I do need the menu text colour to change on hover, so if anybody knows how to do this please let me know.
Hi Seanheather
Thank you for the informative reply. Unfortunately I cant find any option to disable this in the theme settings.
Styledthemes or anybody else who knows, can you tell which bits of code I need to remove to resolve this?
Thanks alot
actually no need to change the colour of the text, I’ve made the menu bar thin and the hover background colour white i like the effect that gives.
just need to know how to disable the mobile menu
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pure & Simple] moving social media icons locationjust fixed the problem of the text clashing, had to change .col-md-12 to .navigation .col-md-12
still having the problem of the social media icons jumping around on mobile,
any ideas anybody?Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pure & Simple] moving social media icons locationAlso I’ve just realised that the last line of code that changed the menu bar width back to normal also gives me a big problem of the text at the bottom and footer move up on the page and clash with the main body. This happens on all the pages except the homepage.
Anybody know how to fix this?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pure & Simple] moving social media icons locationI’ve managed to get the icons in the menu bar how I wanted after alot of trial and error but now I have a slight problem when viewing the site on a mobile device.
The social media icons jump to on to a different line when the menu button is pressed. Anybody know how I can fix this?
This is the code I used to get it like this
#socialbar { float: right; position:relative; top:-45px; } #social-icons { float: right; } /* puts menu bar back to normal width */ .col-md-12 { max-height: 52px; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pure & Simple] moving social media icons locationIm testing this out on my other site.
I took the social media bar code out of footer.php and added it into header.php into the navbar div. The icons are showing on a second line under the menu to the left. I cant figure out how to get them on the same line as the menu and to the right.
The website is kashf.co.uk
any ideas?Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pure & Simple] moving social media icons locationHi Rob258
Thank you for the quick response. I am using a child theme, I know I can make a new header.php file in the child theme and edit that.
Is there one piece of code to move the whole social media icon bar or is it seperate for each icon? Could you tell me exactly which piece of code needs to be moved and where it is located?
Sorry for so many questions, I’m learning as I go along.
My website is maml.org.uk if that helpsThank you
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pure & Simple] How to make header background transparentHi Styled themes
I was able to sort it by adding this code to the css
.site-info { display: inline-block; padding: 15px 30px; background:none !important; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Simple Shopping Cart] use cart to sell one off itemsjust realised this has already been asked and answered so marking as resolved
I’m running two websites and I have the same problem in both, I’m using a child theme for both
the websites are
kashf.co.ukthanks for your help
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pure & Simple] show logo and site title/tagline in headernever mind, i got a friend to have a look and he sorted it
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Pure & Simple] How to make header background transparentnever mind I’ve sorted it now