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  • Thread Starter malenko123


    Alright, thanks – I’ll give it a look.

    Anyhow any advice on how can I limit the poll to a user?

    Thread Starter malenko123



    Actually haven’t inserted any big code – just tried getting the current user in function ‘vote’.

    	 * Compute vote
    	 * @param int $req['poll'] poll ID required
    	 * @param int $req['choice'] poll answer choice required
    	 * @todo: [$poll_choice - 1] is just a temp fix. maybe acf/settings/row_index_offset filter?
    	public function vote($req) {
    		// params vars
    		$poll_id       = $req['poll'];
    		$poll_choice   = (int) $req['choice'];
    		$poll_answers  = get_field($this->field['answers'], $poll_id);
    		$poll_total    = get_field($this->field['total'], $poll_id);
    		$poll_expired  = get_field($this->field['expired'], $poll_id);
    		$poll_limit    = get_field($this->field['limit_vote'], $poll_id);
    		// validate params from req
    		if (!is_numeric($poll_id) || !isset($poll_choice) || empty($poll_answers[$poll_choice - 1])) {
    			return new WP_Error('error', $this->message['invalid'], array('status' => 400));
    		if ($poll_expired || get_post_type($poll_id) != 'onyxpolls') {
    			return new WP_Error('error', $this->message['no_exist'], array('status' => 400));
    		if (isset($_COOKIE["onyx_poll_limit_$poll_id"]) && $poll_limit != 1) {
    			$response = array(
    				"code"     => "not_allowed",
    				"id"       => $poll_id,
    				"message"  => $this->message['no_allowed'],
    				"voted"    => false,
    				"data"     => ["status" => 200]
    		} else {
    			// update vote fields
    			$add_vote = array(
    				"votes" => $poll_answers[$poll_choice - 1]['votes']+1
    			$row   = update_row($this->field['answers'], $poll_choice, $add_vote, $poll_id);
    			$total = update_field($this->field['total'], $poll_total+1, $poll_id);
    			// set cookies
    			// limit = 1 (free vote)
    			// limit = 2 (per device/no expires)
    			$this->setcookie($poll_id, $poll_choice);
    	   		$user_id = get_current_user_id(); // RETURNS 0
    			// global $current_user;
    	   		/* when the POLL is answered get the current user ID in an repeater acf field which I've implemented in each post (poll) via acf */
    	   		/* I'm trying to LIMIT the submission to a USER - so not per defice - but poll per user */	   		
    			$field_key = "field_5f220c11c3fc1"; // repeater field
    			$value = array('field_5f220c36c3fc2' => $user_id);
    			add_row($field_key, $value, $poll_id);
    			// do_action('acf/save_post', $poll_id);		  
    			// wp_redirect(add_query_arg('updated', 'success', wp_get_referer()));
    			// return reponse
    			$response = array(
    				"code"     => ($row && $total) ? "success" : 'error',
    				"poll"     => $poll_id,
    				"choice"   => $poll_choice,
    				"message"  => ($row && $total) ? $this->message['success'] : $this->message['error'],
    				"voted"    => ($row && $total) ? true : false,
    				"data"     => ["status" => 200]
    		$response += $this->poll_data($poll_id);
    		return new WP_REST_Response($response, 200);

    Take a look at the comments. Tried to take the current user id with get_current_user_id() and it returns 0.

    What I’m actually trying to do is to limit the poll per USER.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter malenko123


    Alright, thank you. That’ll do for now ??

    Anyway – one more question, is there any reason I cannot get the current user data inside your plugin?

    Is there any easy way to do this?

    Almost every time I get 0 for current ID.

    I’m trying to get the current user ID inside poll-api.php right before you post the results in the poll post.

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