Main Index Template (index.php)
Single Post (single.php)
Search Results (search.php)
Page Template (page.php)
Search Form (searchform.php)
Sidebar (sidebar.php)
Still looking for the code you referenced, but nothing.
I appreciate everything you guys have done thus far.
Thanks for everything drewactual, I haven’t found the code you’re talking about, and I am messaging the theme designer. Thanks for all your help. You’re a saint. If I can repay you please let me know. I may resort to paying some one to do this for me eventually.
(Oh and this post has confirmed, I am in fact an idiot).
Sorry, I can’t find header, or footer.php, I only have the page template and main index template. And all I can see that comes remotely close to what you are talking about is the following
<div id=”main”>
Sorry, I am totally new at this, and seem to be missing what you are saying.
I should mention that on the page at the moment is a template called “Techmania” that I found on a website giving free wordpress themes. They have been super helpful, and their themes are 2.5.1 compatible. But they have never seen anything like what is happening on my site currently.