10 years, 7 months ago
Check your themes options settings
Jd Roberts. Just create a new directory on your server and install wp
10 years, 10 months ago
Back up everything. Delete everything. And start afresh.
try this
Try this instead of
Just as Heyrold states.
If done so, then cross-check your details again.
Try other themes, already installed, then come back
i dont believe your website has been hacked. Try and do this. * check on your users. If the Iranianian is one of THE users? DELETE HIM.
11 years ago
Hi? Can I see your website
Hi Refin,
Rephrase your question. Because from what you mention your website was initially online.
11 years, 1 month ago
Re install the database of your initial wordpress.
Edit your config.php file of your current blog to match the same
Use Ftp Instead
Hi Larand?
Please Clerify.
From your querry you had your old WAMP-served backed up?
Then you deleted everything and started afresh?
Talking of .jetpack_subscription_widget ?
I believe it follows your current theme sytle.css
Use Ftp Instead.
Why ftp?
You can download the two files and edit them in a remote place. Then upload them to their respective Jetpack Directories.