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  • Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Sorry forgot to ask, did you try going to my site and checking for yourself in terms of the pages being cached but not served?

    Here is a link to site you can start at:

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Thank you for replying Donncha. My email to you of this was formatted so it should have looked better to you there.

    I will try the dev version you suggested though I am not sure which download page you refer to, are you saying I should go to your site and look there?

    Anyhow, until then can you tell me if what I posted up above (and in my email to you) if what you see is correct? I mean does everything appear to be configured correctly?

    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Thanks for your reply figaro,

    Yeah I made a mistake mentioning copyrighting it after I make changes to it, but can you answer the part of the question I really wanted to know about? hehe

    I wanted to know what I am allowed to do in terms of removing/ or moving the copyright notices and link-backs / credit links. I mean if I wanted too, as long as it is distributed via a GPL license can I freely remove any and all credit/copyright notices?

    You can’t take a GPL product and copyright it

    You said this and at first I understood, but then I started to think about things I have downloaded, many times if not always it says copyright by so and so distributed with GPL etc etc. How does this relate to what you just said?

    I just want to understand better my rights in this situation. For example – I downloaded a couple themes for WordPress; both have copyright by so-and-so notices in the footer along with the “Powered by WordPress” text and in the code it mentions the GPL distibution and the files include the license.

    Anyhow, one theme I changed slightly for my own use basically fixed a couple of code errors to make it validate or to do something different, the rest of it was CSS changes for the most part. The second theme I completely tore up, and rewrote a lot of it or added some of my own code and again it had the same copyright/ footer links etc also with GPL. This second theme is one I was considering on redistributing as a theme naming myself in the credits.

    So again, what are my rights in this regard?


    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Correct me if I am wrong but the way I understand it is GPL basically says that I can take the theme, hack it up and make any changes I want to it and then I can distribute it to others for free or sell it. Am I right?

    I meant to expand more on this – I also meant to say that after I make many changes or even just a few I can then distribute it as my own work with my own copyright and license if I wanted to, right?

    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    I found it. Yeah, mine says 8mb also.

    Thanks again.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Write Post: Issues
    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Alright HandySolo.

    Thanks a ton and have a great holiday season.


    ~~ MAK

    EDIT ADD: For those of you who may be having similar issues as me in this thread, this solved the following things for me:

    It solved the timeouts I was getting and also it solved the no-redirect issue I had (blank page after doing a submit). It also stopped the content area from being wiped out (deleted) when doing a save, or edit, or publish on a post.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Write Post: Issues
    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Nevermind this reply here, sorry.

    EDIT: reply deleted by MAK

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Write Post: Issues
    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    OMG DUDE! You’re an absolute GENIUS!!!

    That solved this issue, I tested it a few times making dummy posts then editing them. Was wonderful, got redirects and everything, no timeouts, no pausing, and no blank pages after submit.

    I guess somewhere between February and December 18th when my server was down, some of those services either changed something, stopped working or whatever. So apparently I was getting hung up on that garbage. All I know is I never got hung up on any of that before.

    You are awesome! Now..umm…about your list…hehe You think maybe you can share that with me through here or maybe an email?


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Write Post: Issues
    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Good morning HandySolo.

    Options -> Writing, what do you have under "Update Services".
    Does anything change if you clear it?

    That was something else I was going to ask a couple of questions on, but I prefer to do one thing at a time, trying to get this issue solved first.

    This is what I have for the update services:

    I got all these from somewhere in the Codex.

    Since this was something else I was going to ask about later on, any chance you can please tell me yours?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Write Post: Issues
    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Bumping this again in hopes somebody would have an answer.

    Please, I really need to get this issue resolved! I can’t begin to tell you how annoying this is. Every time I create a new post, or edit it, or save it, or publish it I have to wait upwards of 1.5 minutes each time for it to finally complete the submit. On those occasions when it times out on me, I lose my work and have to re-do it. So that means basically that every time I do a post I have to select all the text, copy it and paste it to Notepad in case this occurs. It’s really a hassle having to do this, and I shouldn’t have to.

    One new thing I discovered and maybe this will make a difference in finding a solution is that I do not have this issue when creating, editing, or publishing PAGES, only posts.

    I would appreciate very much being able to solve this and for any help someone could offer.

    Again I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours.

    ~~ MAK

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Write Post: Issues
    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Hi Moshu,

    Any chance you may have an answer for me about this issue?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: apostrophe mayhem

    I just saw this thread issue and went to check my blog expecting to find this problem too, that’s just my lot in life rofl. I upgraded from 2.0.1 to 2.0.5 the other day and my apostrophe’s seem okay. I checked several posts.

    I even thought maybe posts made after 2.0.5 were fine but old ones had the issue, so I checked several old blog posts and my apostrophe’s there are okay too.

    Maybe this is something in particular, I mean, maybe those of you with this issue have something else in common.

    I am having an issue of my own that I am still waiting for help on, so good luck and happy holidays.

    ~~ MAK

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Write Post: Issues
    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Hi again.

    I am bumping this for hopes of maybe getting an answer tonight.


    ~~ MAK

    Thanks justrish! I was hoping you’d come back haha.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Write Post: Issues
    Thread Starter Mark Kehn


    Hello again.

    I saw Moshu reply to a post not long ago and thought I would bump this from a couple hours ago for I still seek an answer I hope will solve my issues. I’ll be going to bed soon so I thought I’d try once more tonight.

    Tomorrow, Dec. 22 is my big 40 birthday so this would be an awesome gift to have my issue solved by then. No pressure haha.

    Thanks all and goodnight. I’ll check back in a few hours.

    ~~ MAK

    PS: @ vkaryl you said, “Hi MAK, long time no hear…”

    I’m sorry but it’s been so long and I am absolutely horrible with names. Do we know each other or are you just in the habit of checking profiles before you reply and you saw that I haven’t posted since ten months ago? Just curious is all.

    And no vkaryl I have not added any plugins nor changed any themes. Bye now.

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