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  • Thread Starter majenn


    Hi DaanvandenBergh,

    Yesterday I exported all posts and comments to add back in later, then rolled back my whole site to a backup taken approx. 4 weeks ago. Then imported all posts and comments etc. so the site was back ‘up to date’ except for a months worth of plugin updates.

    I then tested everything on the site as it was 4 weeks ago, and everything worked fine.

    Obviously at this point I had a ton of plugin updates, and decided to hit them all at once. I would have gone back and done them one at a time if things broke again, but lo and behold everything now works fine.

    I can only imagine that somehow in the last 4 weeks SOMETHING got corrupted during a plugin update, that is now fine after rolling everything back and re-updating. So all plugins are now up to date, and everything is working fine. No idea on the cause, all a bit odd, but it is what it is.

    So all is well now and working as it should. Thanks for your help!


    Thread Starter majenn


    Yes, doesn’t help sadly.

    I have permalinks structure of:


    If you selected multiple categories for a post, Yoast SEO used to have no effect on this, and the URL would default to the category with the lowest ID.

    Custom Category Permalink plugin would allow you to manually select the category.

    So then, if you added the article to cat1 and cat2, but selected cat2 (with a higher ID) then the url would be:


    If you typed in the url /cat1/article, it would redirect to /cat2/article. If you used the link builder from within a post, you would only find /cat2/article.

    Now, since yoast SEO’s change, you can access and view both /cat1/article/ and /cat2/article. In the link builder, the URL with lowest ID appears.

    This means, if I choose and want /cat2/article/ as the only url that article appears on, it cannot be done. Now, why does this matter if yoast makes /cat1/article/ canonical to /cat2/article?

    Because then internal links can be pointed to /cat1/article/, social share counts can be spread around /cat1/article and /cat2/article/, lessening ‘social proof’. It’s unnecessary ‘duplicate content’, even if one is canonical to the other, it’s still a mess.

    Any word on this @yoast?

    Thread Starter majenn


    I can update and check for errors in console some time during the next week and report back if it helps you and others?

    Thread Starter majenn


    Hi Max,

    I have to admit I didn’t check! I run three sites, updated all three, 2 had no issues at all, (genesis framework for one, Thrive theme for the other) while the third one fixed widget stopped working (Jarida theme).

    I have very limited time to work on things at the moment, so instead of investigating, thought I’d go the easy route and roll back. 80/20 principle ??


    Thread Starter majenn


    Thanks Max!

    I actually pulled the q2w3 plugin folder from a backup I made on 27th June, replaced that via ftp with the folder on my live site and it started working again. No other changes made to the site, so it is update related somehow?

    All the best,

    Thread Starter majenn


    It was basically web browsers (quite rightly) not allowing the download of fonts from a third party source after WP super cache changed URLs for the font’s source to my CDN as it’s a security risk. Sorted by adding the following into htaccess:

    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    <FilesMatch “\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|font.css|css|js)$”>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”

    Anything yet Ed? I’ve asked a few places, even e-mailed buffer twice (the developers / owners) and they haven’t even had the decency to reply with a stock answer ??

    Thread Starter majenn


    Sorry, I added the link incorrectly, the last sentence is a link to a page where you can see the problem…if using the chrome web browser.

    Hi Lewis,

    Did oyu find a fix for this? I have exactly the same problem and have come to a complete dead end.

    It works well in IE, Firefox…this is only seen in chrome.

    It’s odd. It doesn’t happen in firefox or IE, and only happens right at the point of an embedded video. I’ve been searching google an age now and cannot find an answer.

    Also, the twitter tweet button gives your full URL and there’s no way to add a url shortener which is pretty ugly. Might have to move away from Digg Digg ?? (sorry, off topic I know!)

    I’m having this same problem…did you find a way to fix this?

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