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  • They are marked as complete in Paypal and credited

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    I’m having the same problem and I just followed those instructions, for me it didn’t fix it. Purchases are still showing as pending and emails are not being sent automatically. Any other things to check?



    Thread Starter maitriweb


    By the way, again, the site when I’m testing now is where you can find the link to the file made with EDD free download

    Thread Starter maitriweb



    I just realized that in the previous site I used a different plugin “email before download” because I finally wasn’t able to make EDD free download work. I just installed this plugin also in my new web.

    EDD free download works on my site as well but I am not able to make it take you to a login page, when clicking on the link it just downloads the file or takes you to the file url directly so I can’t get the email from the person downloading. If you can provide any solutions to this would be great.

    The link on my site made with EDD free download is informe 6 pasos (0) (I just highlighted in yellow for you to find). I will leave it there for a few minutes before deleting since I will be using the email before download plugin for now until I might find a solution for EDD free download.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter maitriweb


    I am using EDD and as I mentioned configured the Misc section of it under settings.

    Any other ideas as to what might not be done right?


    Thread Starter maitriweb



    I did make it work finally on one website. However, after quite a while of dealing with it, I’m not able to make it work on my second site. I don’t know what I might be doing wrong, I just followed the same steps:

    I configured the new download with download monitor and got the ID#, also configured the new contact form and wrote the ID#. I configured the plugin at Misc of EDD settings coping exactly the same options as in the website where it works (checked “users need to login before download”, etc..

    Then I added the following code to the entry [email-download download_id=”1″ contact_form_id=”49″ attachment=”yes” delivered_as=”Send Email”] which is the same that I used in the “working site” changing obviously the ID numbers.

    I can’t make it work inserting the download from the editor window.

    The only difference that I see is that in the “working site” I used a post entry and in this website I am using a page. However, for the theme that I am using and considering it is the homepage I cannot use a post entry, so hopefully that won′t be the problem. The website where it is not working is

    I would appreciate your help so much.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter maitriweb


    Hi, I’m still waiting for a response.


    Thread Starter maitriweb


    Somehow the file didn’t get saved in the download settings, now it is downloading the file automatically, which is fine, but the biggest problem is that it doesn’t take you to the sing up page for the client to leave its data as it does when purchasing with EDD.

    This is really the big part, so I would appreciate your help on this.


    Thread Starter maitriweb


    thanks sorry about that…

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