Forum Replies Created
Thanks for your feedback. As noted in installation step 1, your Dashboard should be on a dedicated site for only your Dashboard which means only you should have access not users or subscribers.
“We HIGHLY recommend a NEW WordPress install for your MainWP Dashboard. Using a new WordPress install will help to cut down on Plugin Conflicts and other issues that can be caused by trying to run your MainWP Main Dashboard from an active site. Most hosting companies provide free subdomains (“”) and we recommend creating one if you do not have a specific dedicated domain to run your Network Main Dashboard. If you are not sure how to set up a subdomain here is a quick step by step with cPanel, Plesk or Direct Admin. If you are not sure what you have, contact your hosting companies support.”
With the next update we will look into limiting access to the MainWP section to Admins only in order to help if a Dashboard gets installed on a site that has active subscribers.
If anyone sees anything they consider a security issue we encourage you to use the White Hat Reward section to share your information so that you are eligible for a reward. It is our ongoing effort to provide the most secure experience possible to our users we are offering a reward for each security vulnerability reported in the MainWP Plugin System.
Some users experienced an issue with version 1.1 of the child plugin and 1.2 resolves it, once you are updated your child sites to 1.2 you will need to re-save your permalinks.
We would more then happy to help you with this if you like, just add a post in the support forum.
Thanks for bringing that up, your concerns and issues on where you can reach the Google servers is something I can honestly say I didn’t take into account.
We’ll add the code directly into the plugin in the next version without referencing Google.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MainWP Dashboard: WordPress Management without the SaaS] Post sync ?You’re welcome
You can delete a backup through FTP.
You can find more information on the Documentation site –
We also have a dedicated support forum located here
Apologies but no, the download/upload time will be dependent on the resources available through your web host.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MainWP Dashboard: WordPress Management without the SaaS] Post sync ?You can post to multiple blogs at the same time, it is a copy of the same post. To change text in a post you would need to edit a post not create one I believe in which case that would be one at a time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MainWP Dashboard: WordPress Management without the SaaS] Number of BackupsHi Stu,
I’m glad you found it below is the steps in case anyone else is also looking:
Go to you MainWP Settings, then find the Backup Options section you can enter the number of backups you want kept on the server in the “Backups on Server” field.
You can find out more about settings in the MainWP Settings Overview help doc.
If you have any ideas for the MainWP plugin please be sure to add it to the MainWP Ideas site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Cannot add images to galleries after upgradeHave you tried disabling the 2 plugins with errors that you mentioned above temporarily to see if you are then able to post an image?
TooltipPro & All-in-One Event CalendarForum: Plugins
In reply to: [MainWP Dashboard: WordPress Management without the SaaS] MainWp site hacked?I can assure you we were not hacked, we had a server migration which simply went bad and had nothing at all to do with the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DW Question & Answer] PHP Errorkts195, if you provide us some details of the issue you found we would be happy to take a look.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MaxGalleria] Cannot add images to galleries after upgradeWe have not had any other users report this yet, and are not able to duplicate the issue here. I do not see anything that jumps out at me from your system information provided above.
If you go to your Dashboard and to Server Information, is there anything in your error log tab?
Do the child sites allow an image post from themselves?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MainWP Dashboard: WordPress Management without the SaaS] Feature requestMarking as resolved since the question was answered.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MainWP Dashboard: WordPress Management without the SaaS] Feature requestThanks tons2k,
If you leave the Backup File Name blank it will automatically format as %type%-%url%-%date%-%time%
(%time% is a commonly used timestamp prefix/suffix to create unique file seconds since 1970)
I’ll look into having that display as default in the field in the future.
Also, really happy you like the plugin!
Thanks Nasah, it seems there was a bug introduced in 0.28 if you had Debug turned on. We have updated the code in version 0.28.1 please update and install that version.