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  • Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi @rosaria1980,
    Thank you for your message. I’m afraid shortcodes are not supported at the moment.
    Best regards

    Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi @nick76,
    Could you try switching from MAMP to Local by Flywheel? We did it on a Mac Pro and it worked fine. Perhaps Flywheel is less restrictive than MAMP.
    Our test configuration includes Apache, PHP 5.6.20, MySql 5.6.34 and WordPress 4.9.8.

    Thanks for sharing the notes about Gettext, I’ll pass them to the developers.


    Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi @nick76,
    Thanks for your message. It’s the first time this kind of problem has been reported and the plugin is currently running on many production sites. As we are not MAMP experts, it would be great if any other developer following this forum will provide his feedback. As MailUp, we will contribute on this check.

    The wp-mailup plugin was designed to support WPML and Polylang as optional tools for translations but we have also run many successful tests without them.

    Anyway, I’m glad you managed to find what’s wrong in your case and maybe it will be a good hint in case it will be confirmed that there is a bug to be fixed.
    I would recommend you to subscribe to this thread in order to receive updates.

    Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi, we’ve just updated the WP plugin for MailUp. All the deprecated PHP4-style commands should be removed with v.1.4.10. Please let us know if it works fine.

    Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi Narco,
    the wp-mailup plugin is a simple subscription form and it does not include a delete/unsubscribe option. To unsubscribe you may use API calls.
    As it seems you have built an integration that is more complex than a basic one, I recommend you directly contact MailUp support to have more detalis, especially for those actions that are related to GDPR.

    Plugin Author MailUp


    The problem you reported shouldn’t be related to the version of WP and/or the plugin.
    We’ve just published a plugin update (v.1.4.9). Could you please try again and let us know?
    Thank you in advance

    Plugin Author MailUp


    Buonasera, abbiamo pubblicato un aggiornamento al plugin. Potreste cortesemente verificare se la correzione apportata risolve il problema da voi segnalato?
    Cordiali saluti

    Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi Maurizio,
    I’m afraid I don’t know much about Google Tag Manager but I think you can do a lot with MailUp webhooks. When someone subscribes, you can invoke a service or call a webpage providing the details of the new subscriber as parameters.

    Please check out our documentation (ITA) (EN)

    or ask to MailUp support team for help

    Hope this helps


    Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi @userdimi, thank you for your message. It’s the first time we receive this type of request, but it definitely makes sense.
    Even though an update date is not available right now, we’ll consider your suggestion for future development.

    Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi @lineacomputers, it seems you are not enabling the right IP.
    You have properly enabled on your account, but MailUp is actually called by (please check out the error logs on “Configurazioni/Opzioni avanzate/Opzioni sviluppatore /Manutenzione/Email” ).

    Hope this helps

    Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi Anthea,
    Sorry for the late reply. I’ve just seen you managed to solve by allowing access to “Frontend” resources for the IP address specified above. Good job, if you have any other questions just let me know.


    Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi zulia87,
    thank you for your message. It seems your MailUp account has been configured with a restriction on IP addresses. Please check out this page in order to understand how to register your IP address, or to disable the restriction if you prefer.
    Hope this helps, otherwise please let me know.


    Plugin Author MailUp


    Hi paolopassera1976,
    The expected format for the console host is something with a format like this

    Please find more details here

    Hope this helps


    Plugin Author MailUp


    Buongiorno simone95, grazie per averci fornito il dettaglio.
    In generale in Javascript il punto e virgola nella posizione indicata è da considerarsi opzionale. Non vorremmo però che ci fosse qualche nuova specificità legata a WordPress (es. uso di pre-processori per la minificazione o altro) che rende obbligatorie certe pratiche.
    Sebbene su Javascript ci sentiamo fortemente competenti (credo che il lavoro sull’editor drag and drop Bee possa parlare da solo), purtroppo non siamo ancora allo stesso livello per lo sviluppo specifico su WordPress.
    Aggiungeremo il punto e virgola ma la perplessità rimane. La riga di codice sotto osservazione è così quasi due anni e il plugin vanta circa un migliaio di utenti attivi. Anche se non ce lo avete confermato esplicitamente, mi sembra di capire che, una volta aggiunto il punto e virgola avete risolto. Alla luce di quanto detto sopra, non escluderei che nel vostro caso ci possa essere un elemento differenziante in più.
    Cordiali saluti

    Plugin Author MailUp


    Buongiorno simone95, grazie per averci segnalato la presenza di un problema. Siamo spiacenti per l’accaduto e ci siamo attivati coinvolgendo il programmatore che se ne occupa.
    Alle linee 43-47 di display-widget.php vediamo

    case 'style3':
    case 'style4':

    E’ davvero qui che avete trovato l’errore?
    Al fine di assicurarci che la correzione corrisponda esattamente a quanto da voi riscontrato, le chiediamo la cortesia di fornirci un piccolo estratto del codice in cui siete intervenuti. In questo modo potremo indirizzare meglio il programmatore ed avremo la certezza che l’hotfix conterrà esattamente la correzione necessaria.
    Grazie per la collaborazione

    Cordiali saluti

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