Sven Wagener
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] “Show Chart” is missingHi,
you can redirect to a post, which contains the shortcode for the results. The you should see a comments section under the post.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [shipcloud for WooCommerce] Is WooCommerce Subscriptions supported?Hi Gerd,
at the moment subscriptions are not supported. But thats an interesting point. We will discuss that!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [shipcloud for WooCommerce] no price calculation in frontendDas macht wirklich keinen Sinn. Ich check das mal!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [shipcloud for WooCommerce] no price calculation in frontendHi,
this should be a question of your settings. You can change these under “WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipcloud” you can setup the automatic price calculation. There you can setup to charge the price by parcel or by order. If you will take take “by order”, the price will only charged for the most expensive parcel for one time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [shipcloud for WooCommerce] no price calculation in frontendWe have rolled out version 1.3.1 this morning. Please update your plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [shipcloud for WooCommerce] no price calculation in frontendHi,
thank you for reporting! We already have this bug on our list. We will roll out the 1.3.1 version of the plugin tomorrow, which will fix that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [shipcloud for WooCommerce] Das Plugin hat keinen validen Header.Gern geschehen!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Possible to delete single user from results?Hi Canuck,
you just can delete results from a different user by using SQL.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] PayPal Weiterleitung m?glich?Hallo Otto,
das geht mittels des actionhooks ‘torro_response_saved’. Wie der Actionhook aufgebaut ist, kannst Du hier sehen:
An der Stelle kannst Du einfach die Daten übernehmen und die einfach eine Weiterleitung auf Paypal machen.
Viele Grü?e,
Sven Wagener
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [shipcloud for WooCommerce] Das Plugin hat keinen validen Header.Kannst Du mal schauen ob in dem Plugin ein Ordner mit dem Namen “Trunk” vorhanden ist, wenn Du es entpackst?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Auto Fill / Pre Fill Form Responses through URLHi,
you can do that only by using jQuery at the moment. The formbuilder itself does not have such functions included.
Sven Wagener
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Every User just fill in Form once?1. Is there a way that a login in user just fill in a form once?
Yes there is. Just take a look into the “Settings” box at the tab “Access Control”.
2. Is there a way the filled in data getting not stored in DB or WP just sended by mail?
At the moment not. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [shipcloud for WooCommerce] Das Plugin hat keinen validen Header.Hallo Adriaan,
ich habe den Fehler gefunden. Das Plugin war im Plugin noch einmal abgelegt, sodass WordPress da was durcheinander gekommen ist. Da muss ein Fehler beim kopieren passiert sein.
Einfach das Plugin mal l?schen und dann neu installieren. Dann sollte es gehen.
Viele Grü?e,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [shipcloud for WooCommerce] Das Plugin hat keinen validen Header.Eigentlich sollte das nicht sein. Das Plugin wird ja vollst?ndig ersetzt. Ich wollte das morgen früh mal debuggen und mal schauen wo WordPress den Fehler auswirft.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [shipcloud for WooCommerce] Das Plugin hat keinen validen Header.OK ich kann es reproduzieren und kümmer mich darum.