Sven Wagener
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] I do not receive the form via emailHi,
you can add email notifications in the actions section of the form builder. There you will find all template tags which you can add to the email. Do you can’t see the section?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Resend Submission??Hi Sebastian,
this is not possible by default in Torro Forms. To send all notifications again, you can use this code:
$submission = torro()->submissions()->get( 1 ); $form = torro()->forms()->get( 1 ); $email_notifications = new \awsmug\Torro_Forms\Modules\Actions\Email_Notifications(); $email_notifications->handle( $submission, $form );
If you want to send a specific email notification you have to code a little bit more. How we handle the Email notifications, you can see here: hope this helps!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Storage for media uploadI have added a ticket for that in github and check it with the developer:
You can follow the discussion and the status there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Storage for media uploadHello Marcus,
I am sorry, but there is no possibility yet, except you create your own media upload element. But I think this is a very good point and will add it to our list, to add this feature to Torro Forms.
Sorry for the inconveniences and thank you for your feedback!
Kind regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Double Opt-InHallo Marc,
also das hier
<input name=”E-Mail” type=”hidden” value=”{E-Mail:14}” />
funktioniert leider nicht, da die Templatesvariablen nur für Emails gelten. Allerdings arbeite ich derzeit an einem double Opt-In Plugin für Torro Forms, da dies auch gerade wegen der DSGVO mehrfach angefragt wurde.
Entschuldige bitte die sp?te Antwort, aber ich habe Deinen Eintrag leider erst heute gesehen.
Viele Grü?e,
- This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Sven Wagener.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] View Results without editingHi!
You can use the charts to show results with the a shortcode.
[torro_form_charts id="FORM_ID" mode="element_responses"]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] SurveyI have made a simple poll for you. You can see it here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Abgeschickte Formulardaten auslesenHallo Michael!
Ja es gibt eine entsprechende Schnittstelle in Torro Forms. Du müsstest eine Klasse anlegen, die von der Klasse
class My_Action extends Action { protected function bootstrap() { $this->slug = 'redirection'; $this->title = __( 'Redirection', 'torro-forms' ); } public function handle( $submission, $form ) { // Dein Code hier rein } }
Viele Grü?e,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Staying on same page after answeringHi Denis,
at the moment there is no possibility to load the form in annother way, but we will bring an AJAX support in future. We just can not say when, because we have not planned it yet in a specific version of the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Redirection link to add entered form fieldsHi Prajakta!
Just take a look at the bottom part of the formbuilder. Take a look at “Form Settings > Advanced”. There is an option where you can switch on to use $_GET parameters.
Click the checkbox to allow initial field values to be set through GET parameters (such as ?torro_input_value_ELEMENT_ID=VALUE).
You just have to replace the string ELEMENT_ID by id of the element.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Required Fields notificationHi Carste,
sorry about the late reply. Yes there is a filter for that which is named torro_required_indicator_description.
You can see it here in the code:
Just add a filter with a function:
function filter_my_text( $text ) { return $new_text; } add_filter( 'torro_required_indicator_description', 'filter_my_text' );
- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Sven Wagener.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Bug in Email Notification!?Hi,
we had an update in Email-Notifications in beta 11 yesterday. Can you please check that?
- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Sven Wagener.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Debug error on wordpress4.9.4Hi Alex,
I will close this ticket because this targets the old 1.0.0 beta 8 version of the plugin which is completely different from the beta 9.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Speichern funktioniert nicht unter WP 4.9Hallo Raymond,
die n?chste Beta-Version wird in den n?chsten Tagen fertiggestellt und ver?ffentlicht. Wenn Du m?chtest, dann kannst Du unsere komplett überarbeitete Version vorab schonmal testen:
Aber bitte beachte, dass dies immer noch eine Beta Version ist. Die ist nicht für den Produktiven Einsatz geeignet! Eventuell musst Du Deine Formulare nach dem Update noch einmal erstellen.
Viele Grü?e,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Torro Forms] Debug message:Thank you for your hint! Nice to see you again. ??
I have tested that for the upcoming version (yes it will be compatible with the latest version of WP) this problem is fixed. If you want, you can download our totally reworked version here:
But be aware, this is still a beta Version. This is not for productive use yet! Just for testing. Maybe you have to recreate your forms after update:
- This reply was modified 7 years ago by Sven Wagener.