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I’m suddenly facing the same exact problem as @billerr;
My homepage has turned into a random search page, the plug-in has been working fine for few months
Thanks in advance for your help!Yes but this isn’t the problem,
The other currency is being calculated (in the shop page) instead of showing the fixed price that i entered.In other words it must show 6000 LL here!AvDvOCEsovURhXg4moR7DtObaJhzJust like here!AvDvOCEsovURhXg4moR7DtObaJhzSorry for being hard to understand
Hello again,
Yes if i deactivated it the price is showing normally in one currency (USD) which is the default currency, but i already don’t have any problem with USD
Yes @mivtt but when you change the currency to LBP (lebanese pounds) you will see this at the products page:!AvDvOCEsovURhXeQ92_46ie_q8eI
(calculated price)and this when you open it:!AvDvOCEsovURhXg4moR7DtObaJhz
(fixed price)And thanks for helping me ^^
- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by maherjarrah.
P.S. it says “From [the minimum calculated price]”