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  • Thread Starter MAHB


    Hi Tobias,

    Unfortunately as far as I can tell the EmailPetion plugin is not being updated or supported anymore. The author seems to have dropped off the face of the earth.

    As I may have mentioned before, I did not choose this plugin, I had help to get my site to the point it is at. That help is now not available, so I am swimming in waters that are very foreign to me.

    Makes me appreciate all the help you have supplied.

    Thanks again, for all the insightful tips, suggestions, and help.

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter MAHB


    Hi Tobias,

    I have taken 30 steps backwards before I took one step forward today.

    I have found that the wrong space character is actually coming from the email petitions home page in wordpress. I have been using the Email Petitions home page that lists all petitions to copy the short code to insert into my spreadsheets. Assuming that because the plugin generated the shortcodes I could copy them. Apparently not…

    I could have sworn that I saw the consultant dude that I spent all that money on double click those shortcodes and use them.

    This is what I found out today. If I copy the shortcode that is displayed on the Email Petitions top level (home page) [emailpetition id=”70″] and past this code directly into the Divi module where I wanted to use the nested TablePress code, the wrong space character is there, and the shortcode does not run.

    When I correct the shortcode [emailpetition id=”70″] in Divi by deleting the space and enter one from my keyboard, the code runs properly on the page.

    Does this make any sense to you?

    Is it improper to copy the [emailpetition id=”70″] shortcode from the Email Petitions homepage like that?

    Thanks again for your time.



    Thread Starter MAHB


    Hi Tobias,

    If I have to type in this code every time it changes, I am going to be typing forever….. That kind of defeats the use of Tablepress.

    I will attempt to type the code into my spreadsheet, but I can tell you that I can copy and past from the email petition plug in, directly into the tablepress cell and it will fix the issue.

    That leads me to believe that the problem is being created within excel. And I can’t use excel to manipulate this data.

    I have isolated every step, checking each with its progress via the website and have not been able to figure this out. When I did it step by step, it worked.. will do again, later, too frustrated right now.

    Thank you so much for your help. With your permission, I will continue to give you updates. Your help has been irreplaceable to date.


    Thread Starter MAHB



    Thank you so much for your help. Your inputs have been extremely helpful so far.

    I will do some more experiments to try to isolate the problem and get back to you.

    In your original post, you said that the shortcodes viewed identically. BUT the space character was different… Could that still be the case? how did you test and find that the shortcode that I was importing had the wrong space character? They looked identical to me (in the original post). And when you fixed it the first time, did you copy the shortcode from the plugin and copy it directly into Tablepress?

    What I have added to this sequence is that I copy the code from [email petitions] and store it in Excel, then manipulate the data, cut and past value the data to a clean spreadsheet, then save that spreadsheet as a CVS file. Finally I use tablepress to import the file into my website.

    It is obvious to me that the wrong space character doesn’t always view as [emailpetition?id=”55″] sometimes it is viewed as [emailpetition id=”55″] and still contains the wrong space.

    I can’t tell, does table 4 contain the wrong space characters now? I suspect it does, which means excel is still modifying the text… And how did you find that character?

    Thanks again for all your help.



    Thread Starter MAHB


    Hi Tobias,

    I have found where the ? character is being inserted. In excel when you save as cvs it gives you two warnings.

    1. The selected file type does not support workbooks that contain multiple sheets.
    I select OK with this one.

    2. Dirt Doz.csv may contain features that are not compatible with CV (Comma Delimited). Do you want to keep the workbook in this format?
    *To keep this format, which leaves out any incompatible features click yes.
    I also select yes…

    The ? character has not been inserted at this point BUT…..

    when I close the new cvs spreadsheet excel gives one last warning.

    Do you want to save changes you made to dirt doz.csv?
    * Yes * No * Cancel

    I have been clicking Yes to this warning.
    That is when the ? character is inserted into the csv spreadsheet.

    If I click NO and close the spreadsheet without “saving” the .csv file. When imported the spreadsheet does not contain the dreaded ? character.

    Now I have a problem in that I can import new nested codes, and the pages do not seem to change. Am I going to have to pull up each page in wordpress to get the page to run the [emailpetition id=”55″] code?

    Thank you so much for sticking with me on this subject.

    Thread Starter MAHB


    Hi Tobias,

    This is what I see in the spreadsheet after I use the Copy paste values command.


    Is the y thingy in any of these?

    Thanks again. I just don’t see the y thingy in my spreadsheets



    Thread Starter MAHB



    The short codes are stored in the master spreadsheet and called up via tablepress.

    I thought the incorrect y space was generated because the short code was created in Excel.

    So, as you instructed, I copied, ALL the short codes from the website directly to the associated cells in my master spreadsheet. Assuming that the y space would now be the correct one.

    The master spreadsheet can not be stored as a cvs file, as it needs the advanced functions of excel. There are multiple spreadsheets with macros and advanced features being used.

    Do you think that Excel is changing the y space when I store it as an .xlsm spreadsheet? Or did I do something wrong when copying the text off the website? Maybe Divi is doing something???

    It is so hard for me to tell which (y) space is stored in the cell, is there an easy way of doing this?

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter MAHB


    I will give that a try right now. (it worked)

    I import/update 9 tables every two weeks that come from one master excel spreadsheet. I do the computations in the master file, then create smaller tables that are imported. I have been storing the smaller tables as Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet or .xlsx I will now store them as .csv files and import as .csv files.

    Table 4 seems to be the only one that is having trouble. Should convert all of them to .csv when I create them?

    I can see your fix worked for the current published pages. But did not work on my newly created pages. I will be duplicating the pages I listed above, expanding up to 150 of these pages. I did the first twelve pages using the nested solution that we have been working on (saved under x001 to x012 page names) but published only the first (x001) as it exhibits the original issue. i.e. it is not fixed.

    I understand you modified some code, did that modification only apply to one page? or the the first 12 pages that I have published? (1-dd to 12-dd)

    Is there a place that I can put your modifications such that it works globally and on all new and existing tables/pages?
    Would you like me to publish the all twelve? but remember, this is going to expand to around 150+ pages.

    Thanks again for all your help.

    Steve Yanke

    Thread Starter MAHB


    Hi Tobias,

    I hope all is going well with you.

    I was working on updating the sites and all of the sudden I noticed that table 4 has issues and has affected the following twelve pages, all pulling data from table 4. I believe this happened during the update several days ago.

    For clarification, I have a huge excel spreadsheet, that I save small parts of using the copy paste value into a fresh clean spreadsheet. I then save that spreadsheet and import using tablepress. Table 4 no longer works on the following pages.

    I have been saving table 4 as an excell worksheet. In our conversations I think you said that it would be better to save the files as comma delimited (CSV). Can you shed some light on what I am doing wrong?

    Thanks again for the help, sorry for the multiple intrusions.

    Thread Starter MAHB



    Thank you. I am in debt to you beyond my abilities to pay you back.

    I shall be making a contribution to your coffee funds, and I pray for you and your families prosperity and health. And of course, you get 5 stars for support.

    There are so many things that are so far above my comprehension when it comes to being a webmaster. This was one of them.

    So as I understand it, the code has now been inserted into your TablePress code and this issue is basically solved.

    Again, Thanks, and God Bless

    Thread Starter MAHB



    I am sorry, but I am unable to determine how to add this to my themes “function.php” file…

    if ( ! is_admin() ) {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘dk_speakup_css’, plugins_url( ‘speakup-email-petitions/css/theme-basic.css’ ) );

    I tried adding the code to the Custom CSS in tablePress but it did not work.

    Thread Starter MAHB


    There seems to be so many places in this Divi Theme to put custom CSS. Not sure which one to put the code in.

    Under the Divi Active Theme menu there is a tab labeled Additional CSS.

    Would that be the place to add the code?

    Again, thanks for all your help.. You have already earned way more than I can give at this time…

    Thread Starter MAHB



    Thank you so much for your help in locating this problem.

    The top shortcode (the bad one) was generated in an Excel spreadsheet using the space key. That must be why the code has the “non breaking” space between the emailpetition and id.

    I find it fascinating that a space key in Excel is different than the space key in WordPress. None the less, that seems to be what is happening, and may explain the inconsistent formatting that I am experiencing in the Contact section of the same page. (Right side, bottom) I gave up on this problem due to frustration.

    I did a little experiment, where I copied the good code that worked off the website and pasted it into my excel spreadsheet, stored it, imported it via tablepress, and as you predicted, it worked. And once again, you were correct, the styling is not working.

    Editing the plug in is way beyond my programming skills, I confess that adding the text you provided to the “functions.php” file is a little scary, but will attempt to do it.

    Thanks again,

    Thread Starter MAHB


    I have sent you an email. Please respond with Hi Steve, if it is the correct one for me to open an account .

    Thread Starter MAHB


    Absolutely possible, I trust you implicitly. Give me a little while, I am not the best at this web guru stuff.

    I will be contacting you via the site. Please monitor your spam filters.

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