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Not really, order_price is used within the invoice.php template, which refers to:
$data['order_price'] = $this->order->get_formatted_line_subtotal( $item ); // formatted according to WC settings
“Formatted according to WC settings” so if basket/checkout is set to excluding tax, the prices are not displayed including, but excluding tax. But I need the prices to be including in the invoice (yeah doesn’t make sense, I know)
The code works, but only if setting is “including”. It doesn’t ‘force’ the price to be including no matter what the settings are.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Shows items in excluding tax cart – with price including taxFixed the item subtotal within emails.
In Child theme > woocommerce > templates > email > email_order_items.phpFind this:
<?php echo $order->get_formatted_line_subtotal( $item ); ?>
change it into:
<?php echo $order->get_formatted_line_subtotal( $item, 'total', 'incl' ); ?><small>(incl. BTW)</small>
That displays the order item total including taxes.
If anyone has a solution for the Thank you page. For now I think i’ll remove the
do_action( 'woocommerce_order_items_table', $order );
from the thankyou.php file, so that it won’t display all the info again. They get it emailed anyway.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce] Client invoice email incorrectSeems I solved my own “problem”.
I assumed the email that was send was the “invoice” email, but it’s the “customer-processing-order” email. And that one does match with my emails in my inbox.
And once I marked that one for “attachment” in my PDF settings within Woocommerce, it also includes the PDF invoice with the emailing.
Problem solved!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Shows items in excluding tax cart – with price including taxCould the same trick be done for the prices on the Thank You page and the emails? They display excluding taxes right now.
The change of your code is done perfectly on the cart and review order page.
Thank you page:
Not sure what displays the items table. Can’t find it within the thank you template.Emails:
is used to display the table within the email, but in the email template I can’t find anything about price.Many thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Shows items in excluding tax cart – with price including taxMay I thank you forever and ever? You made my easter-day! So far, it works, will have to test it with a test-order though. Whoohoo! Happy Easter!
Let me explain why I wanted this ..
I know, it sounds inconsistent, but unfortunately the tax-situation here in Holland doesn’t work with the regular settings of Woocommerce.
Shipping prices in Holland that are known to the regular customer, are without tax. When you use the shipping service within Holland as a customer (directly at the post office, not buying at a business), you don’t pay tax. But as a business I need to add tax to my total amount, so that includes shipping as well.
Therefor a package which normally costs 6,95 at the post office, now costs 8,40. I don’t want customers to see that it pays extra for shipping, because none of the webshops in Holland do that. Instead they calculate tax separately, or add extra to their products to get the costs even.
Unfortunately in Woocommerce, you cannot choose to split shipping and tax, when using an including tax cart/checkout page. The customer does have to pay 8,40, but I don’t want that extra costs added to the shipping costs, I want it to only show in the “taxes” line. Customers know they have to pay tax, they just find it odd when the shipping costs are higher, or a different amount then they are used to at the post office.
I’ve posted this on allot of dutch website’s, and allot of them tell me to enter shipping as 5,74. Because when you add 21% tax to 5,74, you get 6,95. But 6,95 is already a price without tax, so if I remove taxes on a already excluding tax price, that’s just wrong (and i’m pretty sure illegal as well). In the cart it will show 6,95, but I will lose 1,40 on every order (1,40 is the tax I have to pay over the 6,95).
In Woocommerce, when you set cart/checkout to “excluding” it does exactly what I want with the totals. It divides costs and taxes, displays them separately and adds them up. Therefor my package is displayed at 6,95, the costs the customer is used to pay for. But I still get my taxes paid by the customer, because they are all combined within the “taxes” line in the cart totals.
And that’s why I want to show prices of the products including, because my whole shop, is displayed including taxes. I’ve altered the table headers so it states clearly “(incl. BTW)” (dutch for tax).
Now the customer doesn’t notice that it pays 21% tax over shipping, but it is added in the proper order: subtotal (excl), shipping (excl), tax, total (incl.)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fast Secure Contact Form] Email sent but never arrives in gmailHave you checked the spam folder?
99% of confirmation emails I get while testing forms with my gmail account, are first arriving in the spam folder.
Sorry for the late reply, holiday season.
I implemented it, but just a suggestion for future replies, would be great to have an example added into your post. Not everyone (myself included) knows how to implement all this stuff … I ended up adding it in a different (probably older) way into my existing coding. Any suggestions to update this, are more than welcome.
This is how I did it. The line below is in my loop:
<?php query_posts( 'showposts=60&post_type=post' ); ?>
Changed it to this:
<?php query_posts( 'showposts=150&post_type=product&meta_key=_stock_status&meta_value=outofstock' ); ?>
Then I made a page, and linked the new template to this page.
Even when I say to hide out of stock products, they show on my “inspiration’ page, but not in the webshop. Great stuff ??
Many thanks !
Problem solved, ended up buying the plugin Woocommerce Inventory Notices
To me “out of stock” is confusing, when you only sell one of each. A “sold” option would be more appropriate.
Shortcode works fine here. Where are you putting the shortcode, on the tab itself or in the PHP code from the plugin?
Maybe this helps:
Upload the additional images you want to show under the featured image, but don’t click to insert them, instead click “save all changes”
Then it should take you to the gallery tab, where the images have been added. You might have to click “save” there too. I think that’s it. Just close the pop-up window, and save your product.
You should only add them to the gallery, but not actually insert the gallery into the product.
I hope this helps you in any way. I find this way very user-unfriendly. I rather would have a tab “images” under the “Product data” where you have basic upload fields. I have no idea how I have to sell this to my client ??
Perfect !
Message appears. Added some future news, and the message gets replaced by the new news. Excellent ?? I did removed the header tags, but if anyone needs them make sure to add a slash to the closing tag, it’s missing in above code.
I added above code before this code (around line 157):
if( !empty($args['limit']) && $events_count > $args['limit'] && (!empty($args['pagination']) || !isset($args['pagination'])) ){ //Show the pagination links (unless there's less than $limit events) $page_link_template = add_query_arg(array('pno'=>'%PAGE%')); echo em_paginate( $page_link_template, $events_count, $args['limit'], $args['page']); } return ob_get_clean(); }
It’s the last part of the “function em_get_events_list_grouped”.
Many thanks !
MirnaI have one past event, it shows up under “archief” subheader (dutch for “archive”) which is perfect.
However under “Recent nieuws” it should say that there are no events at the moment. The text however, is not showing.
It is showing on the events page itself (the one that is installed by the plugin itself) –>
But not on the page I want to be using –>,
MirnaSoo awsome ! thanks so much for this fix, it works like a charm ??
Many thanks !
Thank you for your reply. Will keep an eye on this page then ??
Thanks !
Ok I fixed it for the admin, I had to uncheck all boxes (got this through your FAQ, if only I read that before posting here haha).
However issue still remains for the users. I really don’t understand why it is affecting pages.