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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Formatting the input numberYep I was correct on that. Looking at the net traffic I see that my jquery is loaded BEFORE fbuilder-loader-public.php and the field is not yet generated at that point. Now the question is, how to force my jquery to get loaded last?
PS I added my jquery at the end of fbuilder-loader-public.php and not the number formatting works. However I rather avoid hacking the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Formatting the input numberI understand that, and thank you for pointing that out to me.
But my main issue is not being able to apply the number format jquery to the input field (independently of whether the computed field validates the input or not) and I suspect the reason is that the plugin loads the input field after my jquery, so I am trying to figure out where to insert the jquery for the input formatting to happen. Any normal input field gets formatted withour problems, but not the plugin input field.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Formatting the input numberThank you for answering, but I am not sure I understand.
I have a financial calculation according to a given formula, with an input number field and a calculated field.
I am trying to achieve this:
https://jquerypriceformat.comi.e. the input number should be number-formatted dynamically as it is being typed. I tried to use the above library but while it works for normal input fields, it does not seem to work for the input field generated by this plugin.
PS if I open Firebug after activating the console, then the input value or string gets formatted as desired (I guess Firebug reloads the js without reloading the html?) Could it be that the number format jquery gets loaded before the field is generated?