I got it to work. It was a compatibility problem with my theme (Cascade from WordPress purchased on themeforest.net). There were two issues:
1. In my theme’s functions.php, I was loading an older version of jquery:
wp_enqueue_script("jquery", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js", array(), "1.6.4");
I needed to change it instead to:
//wp_enqueue_script("jquery", "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js", array(), "1.6.4");
Essentially I just commented out the wp_deregister_script() and the wp_enqueue_script() of the older version of jquery and add a simple wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’) in their place.
2. My theme was loading pages via Ajax, and I needed to disable that. It doesn’t seem to have affected any other critical functionality.
Hope this helps others!