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  • I checked the section as portfolio, you can change it to testimonial.
    And if you have say 4 testimonials then do following:
    1.Section Title: Testimonials
    2.Section id: testimonial
    3.Section Background Color:#000000
    4.Section CSS Class:services
    5. Inside Text editor in text tab add following codes:

    <div id="services-box">
    <img src="https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes/skt-black/images/icon-web-design.png" alt="" />
    <h2>TEST 1</h2>
    We hired equipment for my daughter's birthday party and were so pleased with the service we received. Everything we needed was provided, and it was all explained clearly to us so we knew exactly how to use the equipment and how to set things up. It all worked really well and was a high quality. I wouldn't hesitate to use mhaslamTech again and would totally recommend them
    <div id="services-box">
    <img src="https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes/skt-black/images/icon-web-design.png" alt="" />
    <h2>TEST 2</h2>
    We hired equipment for my daughter's birthday party and were so pleased with the service we received. Everything we needed was provided, and it was all explained clearly to us so we knew exactly how to use the equipment and how to set things up. It all worked really well and was a high quality. I wouldn't hesitate to use mhaslamTech again and would totally recommend them
    <div id="services-box">
    <img src="https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes/skt-black/images/icon-web-design.png" alt="" />
    <h2>TEST 3</h2>
    We hired equipment for my daughter's birthday party and were so pleased with the service we received. Everything we needed was provided, and it was all explained clearly to us so we knew exactly how to use the equipment and how to set things up. It all worked really well and was a high quality. I wouldn't hesitate to use mhaslamTech again and would totally recommend them
    <div id="services-box">
    <img src="https://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes/skt-black/images/icon-web-design.png" alt="" />
    <h2>TEST 4</h2>
    We hired equipment for my daughter's birthday party and were so pleased with the service we received. Everything we needed was provided, and it was all explained clearly to us so we knew exactly how to use the equipment and how to set things up. It all worked really well and was a high quality. I wouldn't hesitate to use mhaslamTech again and would totally recommend them

    6. Click Save options.
    Note: You can remove img tag or replace with your image url

    Hello SydneyAHarris,
    Go to Apperance -> Customize -> Topbar Settings ->Display Search in Topbar?
    Turn On
    CLick Save and Publish.


    Can you send me screen shot of your wp-includes/meta.php.
    This file can’t be access via admin menu and can only be accessed through FTP.

    I have found the solution. You have to learn to do few stuffs. Please go through each steps:
    1. Create a child theme using plugin
    2.Give your child theme name:Pure And Simple Child
    3.Copy folder partials from your theme into child theme using FTP.
    4. Copy and Replace the whole code inside logo-group.php of child theme with following code

     * The logo group for the header
     * @package Pure_and_Simple
     * @since 1.0.0
    <div id="masthead" class="header-box" style="background-color: <?php echo get_theme_mod( 'header_bgccolour', '#ffffff' ); ?>;">
    	<div class="header-bg" style=" background-image: url(<?php if (get_header_image() != '') : ?><?php header_image(); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>);">
    		<div class="header-inner"  style="padding: <?php echo get_theme_mod( 'header_padding', '2rem 0 2rem 0' ); ?>;">
    			<?php if ( get_option( 'puresimple_logo' ) ) : ?>
                	<div class="logo fade-logo">
    					<a>" title="FRANK PIPIA DRYWALL AND FRAMING <?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ); ?>" rel="home"><img src="<?php echo get_option( 'puresimple_logo' ); ?>" alt="FRANK PIPIA DRYWALL AND FRAMING"/></a>
    			<?php elseif ( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) || get_bloginfo( 'title' ) ) : ?>
    				<div class="site-info fade-logo" style="background-color: <?php echo get_theme_mod( 'site_infobg', '#fff' ); ?>;">
    					<h1 class="site-title" style="font-size: <?php echo get_theme_mod( 'site_titlesize', '2.75rem' ); ?>;">
    						<a>;" href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url() ); ?>" title="FRANK PIPIA DRYWALL AND FRAMING <?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ); ?>" rel="home">FRANK PIPIA DRYWALL AND FRAMING</a>
    					<?php if ( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ) { ?>
    						<h3 class="site-tagline" style="font-size: <?php echo get_theme_mod( 'site_taglinesize', '1.375rem' ); ?>; color: <?php echo get_theme_mod( 'tagline_colour', '#b9b9b9' ); ?>;"><?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ); ?></h3>
    					<?php } ?>
    			<?php endif; ?>

    5.Upload the logo-group.php into child theme inside same folder.

    I hope it will help to solve your issue.

    Have you got back up of your website ? If yes, You can upload files using FTP.
    Another possibility to recover that data is by requesting your web host and ask them if they have a backup for your site on the specific date when you deleted all old data. If they have the backup, then they can send it to you.

    Note: Never remove/change your original themes files.
    To add custom css you can use plugin: , this way css won’t changes when you update a theme.

    Yes, it should have solved the issue.
    Can I know what is your setting for : Automatically close comments on articles older than X days
    and Can you also send me your site url?

    Hello sirrm02,
    How are you doing?
    I have another solution to delete theme completely.
    Follow Following Steps:
    1.Click on Appearance ? Themes>> Activate other theme than you had previously installed.
    2.Again,Click on Appearance ? Themes>> Hover the Mouse over Active theme>> Click the “Theme Details” button.
    3.Click Next Arrow button on the top left side of theme until you find theme that you had previously installed. Click Deletebutton
    4.Go to Appearance ? Themes>> Add New >>Upload theme that you had previously installed. Activate the theme.

    Now, you should be able to see the themes home page in pages.

    I tried both ways. And no problem so far to post comments either logging in as user or not logged in.

    Try this:
    Check from WordPress admin area -> Dashboard > settings -> discussion -> Default article settings -> Tick mark on Allow people to post comments on new articles.
    Also,See Other comment settings and make your desired options.
    Don’t forget to Click Save Changes after you make all changes.


    The full text can be shown on testimonial section, only read more button can’t be added.
    Make following adjustments:
    1.Choose number of section from dropdown option as you require.
    2.Section Title: Portfolio
    3.Section id: portfolio
    4.Section Background Color:#000000
    5.Section CSS Class:team-desc (for showing only one portfolio)
    6.Inside Text Editor add your text
    “We hired equipment for my daughter’s birthday party and were so pleased with the service we received. Everything we needed was provided, and it was all explained clearly to us so we knew exactly how to use the equipment and how to set things up. It all worked really well and was a high quality. I wouldn’t hesitate to use mhaslamTech again and would totally recommend them.”
    7.Click Save options
    8. You should now able to see full text in the portfolio section now.

    Note: If you want to display multiple portfolio, you have to change section css class name accordingly.


    You will have to use FTP to delete/update themes and files.


    I reviewed the theme and found out Read More is enabled only for Latest Post.For rest of the sections the Read More is not enabled and are static parts.
    Since, you are adding testimonials by adding one more section, which is not supported by this theme it will assume it’s also a static part. So it will show whole content.

    Hello sirrm02,
    1. Delete the theme folder completely
    2.Simply click on Appearance ? Themes>> Add New >>Upload theme that you had previously installed.


    Hi Nova,
    To add custom css you can use plugin: , this way css won’t changes if the theme updates.

    For adding a hover color. Try adding this in custom css section:

    .entry-content a:hover {
        text-decoration: none;
        color: #dd3333;
        background-color: #232323;


    Simply click on Appearance ? Themes and click on the activate button on the theme that you had previously installed.
    Have you got back up of your website ? If yes, You can upload files using FTP.
    Another possibility to recover that data is by requesting your web host and ask them if they have a backup for your site on the specific date when you deleted all old data. If they have the backup, then they can send it to you.

    Note: Never remove/change your original themes files. Instead create child theme and edit the files.
    Watch Watch

    You can create child theme manually or using plugin

    You have to copy and paste files only to change from the parent theme into child theme in the same directory that of the parent.Then you have to edit it.


    Hello samuelong135,
    The thumbnail is removable of course.Go to your theme folder and Remove the code from sections> latest_news.php

    else:												echo '<img src="'.esc_url( get_template_directory_uri() ).'/images/blank-latestposts.png" alt="'.get_the_title().'" />';

    Hope it will resolve your issue.

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