Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [InPost PL] Brak walidacji przy zmianie krajuWersja wtyczki 1.5.1, PHP to 8.2 ??
I’ve deleted IPs
09/08/2023 10:53:15 ----[IP]--- 0 ? POST ? ?pys_api_event ? {"action":"pys_api_event","pixel":"facebook","event":"TimeOnPage","data":{"page_title":"Home","post_type":"page","post_id":"10299","plugin":"PixelYourSite","user_role":"guest","event_url":"\/"},"ids":["1321309617884456"],"eventID":"if4d4ZtZrxxTbIAwWBjhum7LVpYtPTi4wjVp","url":"https:\/\/\/?gad=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0NGzoOyagQMVnpiDBx3n1AsTEAAYAiAAEgI6__D_BwE","ajax_event":"64f4890bd3","woo_order":"","edd_order":""} [] 09/08/2023 10:53:25 ----[IP]--- ?0 ? POST ? ?pys_api_event ? {"action":"pys_api_event","pixel":"facebook","event":"PageScroll","data":{"page_title":"leinen spannbettlaken | natural","post_type":"product","post_id":"50898","plugin":"PixelYourSite","user_role":"guest","event_url":"\/de\/produkt\/leinen-spannbettlaken-natural\/"},"ids":["1321309617884456"],"eventID":"ryHDpCb3LZwYSjFAMl06l8UO9GhHl6KfnYOD","url":"https:\/\/\/de\/produkt\/leinen-spannbettlaken-natural\/","ajax_event":"64f4890bd3","woo_order":"","edd_order":""} ? [] 09/08/2023 10:53:27 ----[IP]--- 0 ? POST ? ?pys_api_event ? {"action":"pys_api_event","pixel":"facebook","event":"PageScroll","data":{"page_title":"\u0141AZIENKA","post_type":"product_cat","post_id":"124","plugin":"PixelYourSite","user_role":"guest","event_url":"\/kategoria-produktu\/lazienka\/page\/2\/"},"ids":["1321309617884456"],"eventID":"9g49xmpr2AbJtdcWbDMAayr6umhGE4Yny9gh","url":"https:\/\/\/kategoria-produktu\/lazienka\/page\/2\/","ajax_event":"64f4890bd3","woo_order":"","edd_order":""} [] 09/08/2023 10:53:42 ----[IP]--- ?0 ? POST ? ?pys_api_event ? {"action":"pys_api_event","pixel":"facebook","event":"TimeOnPage","data":{"page_title":"leinen spannbettlaken | natural","post_type":"product","post_id":"50898","plugin":"PixelYourSite","user_role":"guest","event_url":"\/de\/produkt\/leinen-spannbettlaken-natural\/"},"ids":["1321309617884456"],"eventID":"CTYpcbCg8FeUGCdMGTUfn3EDhvRJOOQzAFjW","url":"https:\/\/\/de\/produkt\/leinen-spannbettlaken-natural\/","ajax_event":"64f4890bd3","woo_order":"","edd_order":""} ? [] 09/08/2023 10:53:45 ----[IP]--- 0 ? POST ? ?pys_api_event ? {"action":"pys_api_event","pixel":"facebook","event":"PageScroll","data":{"page_title":"\u0141AZIENKA","post_type":"product_cat","post_id":"124","plugin":"PixelYourSite","user_role":"guest","event_url":"\/kategoria-produktu\/lazienka\/page\/3\/"},"ids":["1321309617884456"],"eventID":"JXq6IBFhdUTpUt9ccnkC9pHuBHkpIeBymDD6","url":"https:\/\/\/kategoria-produktu\/lazienka\/page\/3\/","ajax_event":"64f4890bd3","woo_order":"","edd_order":""} []
- This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Madern.
This option is turrned off since past few weeks or even months so I think it’s not related to cache because it is automatically cleared every 8 hours, and it has also been manually cleared multiple times.
If you talk about this it’s turned off too:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Analysis does not count orders correctlyYou are welcome and have a nice day too ??
- This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Madern.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Analysis does not count orders correctlyNo problem ??
You don’t have to re-import, just chose something and save settings and it should work ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Analysis does not count orders correctlyI can see you have this options but in Spain I guess ??
You must change from Eligo un tipo de fetcha to something else ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Analysis does not count orders correctlyJust right above Import historical data:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Analysis does not count orders correctlyYeah but did you try selecting this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Analysis does not count orders correctlyHi, please go to Analytics > Settings and make sure that Data type is selected, then save settings.
It helped me to solve this issue on 2 sites.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] Issue with 4.6.x overwhelming the serverHi, yes – the update has fixed the problem, thanks ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Monitor] Issue with 4.6.x overwhelming the serverHi, I have similar problem the site hardly works at all, the table _download_log contains ~2,420,080 rows and has size 601.7 MiB.
After downgrading plugin to previous version everything back to normal.The queries durring the high load was (I’ve changed table prefix and user):
| 3491073 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘3307’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491082 | user | localhost | user | Query | 28 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘3307’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id != ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491215 | user | localhost | user | Query | 12 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘17321’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘completed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491222 | user | localhost | user | Query | 13 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘24506’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491312 | user | localhost | user | Query | 7 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘24568’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491313 | user | localhost | user | Query | 18 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘16896’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491321 | user | localhost | user | Query | 8 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘11109’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘completed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491328 | user | localhost | user | Query | 4 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘21780’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491330 | user | localhost | user | Query | 10 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘17322’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491340 | user | localhost | user | Query | 8 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘24568’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491347 | user | localhost | user | Query | 8 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘24568’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491348 | user | localhost | user | Query | 26 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘16895’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491350 | user | localhost | user | Query | 17 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘16895’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491352 | user | localhost | user | Query | 10 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘19181’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491356 | user | localhost | user | Query | 8 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘24568’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491377 | user | localhost | user | Query | 7 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘17433’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491378 | user | localhost | user | Query | 13 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘16895’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id != ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491389 | user | localhost | user | Query | 14 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘20792’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491392 | user | localhost | user | Query | 12 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘24659’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491404 | user | localhost | user | Query | 8 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘17321’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id != ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491411 | user | localhost | user | Query | 21 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘16895’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491416 | user | localhost | user | Query | 4 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘18454’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491418 | user | localhost | user | Query | 11 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘18797’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘completed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491428 | user | localhost | user | Query | 17 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘3307’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491430 | user | localhost | user | Query | 5 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘9217’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491432 | user | localhost | user | Query | 7 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘18454’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id != ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491434 | user | localhost | user | Query | 2 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘11311’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491457 | user | localhost | user | Query | 14 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘18454’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491458 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘21096’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491459 | user | localhost | user | Query | 17 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘18454’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id != ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491465 | user | localhost | user | Query | 6 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘10994’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491466 | user | localhost | user | Query | 2 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘9825’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491467 | user | localhost | user | Query | 14 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘24665’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491469 | user | localhost | user | Query | 2 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘7021’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491482 | user | localhost | user | Query | 4 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘9134’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491487 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘23989’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491491 | user | localhost | user | Query | 16 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘23195’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491494 | user | localhost | user | Query | 14 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘11015’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘completed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491495 | user | localhost | user | Query | 14 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘23654’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491496 | user | localhost | user | Query | 24 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘12005’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491498 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘23841’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘completed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491503 | user | localhost | user | Query | 12 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘10826’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491506 | user | localhost | user | Query | 5 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘9505’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id != ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491509 | user | localhost | user | Query | 18 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘20778’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘completed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491513 | user | localhost | user | Query | 2 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘17480’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id != ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491514 | user | localhost | user | Query | 15 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘3307’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491516 | user | localhost | user | Query | 13 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘12005’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491518 | user | localhost | user | Query | 3 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘6985’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491523 | user | localhost | user | Query | 1 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘6986’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491526 | user | localhost | user | Query | 10 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘6602’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491527 | user | localhost | user | Query | 4 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘24726’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491528 | user | localhost | user | Query | 7 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘6602’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491529 | user | localhost | user | Query | 8 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘664’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491531 | user | localhost | user | Query | 1 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘11056’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491532 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘3729’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491534 | user | localhost | user | Query | 25 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘20791’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491536 | user | localhost | user | Query | 11 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘23194’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491538 | user | localhost | user | Query | 3 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘7054’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491539 | user | localhost | user | Query | 5 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘1580’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491540 | user | localhost | user | Query | 4 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘19233’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491542 | user | localhost | user | Query | 4 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘10994’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id != ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491544 | user | localhost | user | Query | 6 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘11990’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491545 | user | localhost | user | Query | 15 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘19208’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491546 | user | localhost | user | Query | 18 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘9216’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491547 | user | localhost | user | Query | 8 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘19102’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491548 | user | localhost | user | Query | 14 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘18138’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491551 | user | localhost | user | Query | 3 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘23841’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id != ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491556 | user | localhost | user | Query | 1 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘664’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491558 | user | localhost | user | Query | 3 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘10976’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491561 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘22098’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id != ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491562 | user | localhost | user | Query | 5 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘20646’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘failed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491564 | user | localhost | user | Query | 10 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘12080’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491568 | user | localhost | user | Query | 19 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘20046’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491570 | user | localhost | user | Query | 12 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘21779’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491572 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘1579’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491573 | user | localhost | user | Query | 2 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘6540’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘completed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491574 | user | localhost | user | Query | 3 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘17482’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491576 | user | localhost | user | Query | 3 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘10976’ AND prefix_download_log.user_id = ‘0’ | 0.000 |
| 3491577 | user | localhost | user | Query | 15 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘19718’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491579 | user | localhost | user | Query | 10 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘24306’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘completed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491583 | user | localhost | user | Query | 11 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘23611’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491585 | user | localhost | user | Query | 16 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘24745’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491589 | user | localhost | user | Query | 10 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘6404’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491591 | user | localhost | user | Query | 3 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘23194’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘completed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491592 | user | localhost | user | Query | 15 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘24745’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491593 | user | localhost | user | Query | 10 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE version_id = ‘3374’ AND download_status IN ( ‘completed’,’redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491594 | user | localhost | user | Query | 4 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘9753’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491595 | user | localhost | user | Query | 8 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘3263’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491596 | user | localhost | user | Query | 15 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘3307’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status IN ( ‘completed’, ‘redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491598 | user | localhost | user | Query | 11 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘17371’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status IN ( ‘completed’, ‘redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491600 | user | localhost | user | Query | 9 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘18797’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status IN ( ‘completed’, ‘redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491604 | user | localhost | user | Query | 3 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘24306’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status IN ( ‘completed’, ‘redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491605 | user | localhost | user | Query | 3 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘9251’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status IN ( ‘completed’, ‘redirected’ ) | 0.000 |
| 3491606 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘24744’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491607 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘24744’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘completed’ | 0.000 |
| 3491608 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Sending data | SELECT COUNT(ID
) FROM prefix_download_log WHERE download_id = ‘24744’ AND prefix_download_log.download_status = ‘redirected’ | 0.000 |
| 3491609 | user | localhost | user | Query | 0 | Statistics | SELECT option_value FROM prefix_options WHERE option_name = ‘_transient_timeout_wp_rocket_no_licence’ LIMIT 1 | 0.000 |
| 3491610 | user | localhost | user | Sleep | 0 | | NULL | 0.000 |
| 3491611 | user | localhost | user | Sleep | 0 | | NULL | 0.000 |
| 3491612 | da_admin | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | Init | show full processlist- This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Madern.
Strange thing happened. I’ve been trying installing difrent versions, starting from 2.0.0, 2.0.63, 2.0.61, and 2.0.57 and from this version just update via WordPress to newest version and it ….. works ??
I hope it won’t break anymore … ??EDIT
Ehh… again problem with permalinks, after changing to default it works but with my not, can anybody solve that ?EDIT #2
I’ve just repaired it. It was my mistake, my permalinks looks like that:
“ / index.php / %category% / %postname%”
When i change it to :
“ / %category% / %postname%”
It worksForum: Hacks
In reply to: Searching for mod sections of entryThanks! That was exactly what I was looking for ??