Forum Replies Created
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by madame_ruvida.
Hi! I have deactivated the e-mailing of the invoice due to this problem, I have made the invoice available in my account only for completed orders. You’re right the time is out of order, but no one has manually changed the invoice, I checked the time is out of order even in completed orders.
I noticed that I had wp memory limit too low (in the plugin status tab it was marked in red) now I increased as indicated and it turned green.
The status of the order I sent you yesterday is “failed” and there are no other notes, there is only that.
I use this plugin
in the free version, together with yours, it is used to generate the tax code field Italian in the checkout, but I have always used it and it has never given me any problems. It integrates well with yours. I doubt that it could be the woocommerce version that creates the problem, I’m using 4.5.2 (it’s not a very recent site)
but I can’t update because the latest version of woocommerce is creating problems on other websites (already reported to woocommerce).
thanks again, you are really very kind
I thought the problem might be the “pending payment” status but I don’t have the skills to say it, do you think if I try to add “pending payment” in the “disable for:”
thanks in advance
here it is.
I have disabled sending by email temporarily (until I solve it) because otherwise the users will receive the invoice with the wrong number
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Fattureincloud] Errore invio aliquote su FICBuongiorno io ho un problema simile, ho impostato il profilo fiscale forfettario con rivalsa inps 4% e iva 0% in fatture in cloud, essendo la rivalsa inps un fattore incluso nell’impostazione del regime forfettario insieme al discorso iva 0%, che poi viene richiamato in woocommerce con il suo codice specifico e corrispondente, perchè non compare nelle fatture provenienti dal sito? è come se mancasse un pezzo, perchè se creo una fattura da fatture in cloud mi calcola in automatico la rivalsa inps 4% sul netto senza che io debba selezionare nulla (andando quindi a prendere le informazioni in automatico dal regime fiscale impostato), quindi non capisco perchè non lo fa anche sulle fatture del sito? leggendo la documentazione nei codici contemplati per le aliquote il regime forfettario è contemplato, quindi io mi aspettavo che fosse inclusa questa cosa della rivalsa inps, anche perchè se non posso applicare la rivalsa inps come faccio a fatturare correttamente? ho visto ora che la richiesta di questa integrazione è ormai abbastanza datata, e soprattutto, ho fatto fatture in cloud proprio per non avere problemi a gestire questi fattori, perchè una cosa così importante e basica non è contemplate nell’integrazione? è possibile aggirare il problema in qualche modo?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce] Custom PDF not workhello thanks for the quick reply, I tried to do what you suggested, I created in the folder of the theme “enfold” “woccomerce” and then inside woocommerce I created “pdf” and the template folder. seemed to work, but then in the checkout page when I try to pay the site crashes and does not send the invoice, first instead, yes, in fact if I delete the folders created everything starts to work properly. Moreover doing so, even after modifying the invoice.php file as shown, it still did not take my custom field “tax code / p.iva” so the problems are 2. Do you think that if I create the folder “pdf” directly in the folder “woocommerce” that I have out of the theme folder “enfold” can work? my theme is compatible with woocommerce in fact I installed a demo shop
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce] Custom PDF not workand also wanting to enter the woocommerce folder (which is however out of the theme folder) inside, there is no pdf folder, so the whole path is not like the one you indicate. I do not know what I have to do
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PDF Invoices & Packing Slips for WooCommerce] Custom PDF not workhello I have a problem, in my ftp the path: wp-content / themes / enfold / woocommerce / pdf / yourtemplate does not exist. When I log in, I arrive at this point wp-content / themes / enfold / after I do not have the woocommerce folder but I have several woocommerce folders, but none of them just snooze “woocommerce” can you help me?
I created and activated facebook app correctly but the box still does not close after putting like, so the user does not understand what he has to do because he puts like and the box remains. How can I solve? sorry but it’s quite urgent
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] No Error MessagesHi, i have the same problem and I have no plugins installed for safety. I need a fix please