Marco Amaral
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] wsal-auditlog redirects and CPU overloadbefore trying to disable the auto refreshing of the audit log thought Settings, i’ve tried to reproduce the issue.
It’s a quiet frustrating, but i can’t reproduce the same behavior. No CPU overload.
Maybe @csgaraglino can add some thoughts…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Activity Log] wsal-auditlog redirects and CPU overloadHi,
yes, it’s my first time using WP security audit log. I’ve installed this 2 weeks ago. Doing some tests and considering a premium purchase.
Trying to reproduce the issue:
1. Open Audit log > Audit log viewer
2. After some hours with that page open, i start to see apache access.log with redirects every second. /main/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wsal-auditlog redirect to other location.Digging your code, didn’t find any script to redirect wsal-auditlog page!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Conditional Menus] Conditional Menu Option does now showSame problem here!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SearchIQ - The Search Solution] Blank Options TabHi Saurabh,
tried several aproachs to solve the problem. All didn’t result!
– reset configuration
– reset configuration, deactivate and active plugin
– reset configuration, delete search engine in SearchIQ backoffice, deactivate and active plugin
– reset configuration, delete search engine in SearchIQ backoffice, created new SearchIQ account, delete wp_siq_sync and wp_2_siq_sync tables, deactivate and active pluginAll that step didn’t resolve the problem.
So, i think it’s not searchiq plugin files, neither searchiq api… i think the problem it’s all about searchiq data stored in wordpress database. This make sense?
How can i completely delete all searchiq data stored in wordpress database?
Marco.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SearchIQ - The Search Solution] Blank Options TabHi Saurabh,
right now we’re developing in an intranet environment, so i can’t give you a URL access. Maybe next week…
We’re using 4.6.1 WordPress version.
I think this is about some cached data about my options. That options are stored in wordpress database? Or sent through your API, and stored in your servers? Can i clean that stored options?
i’m not facing problems with fontend styles.
Only one problem: changes in customizer aren’t previewed. Under console there are not any errors!!
Sorry for the inconvenience, but i’m working in localhost installation.
after deactivate and active the plugin, changes made in Theme customizer > Styles and layouts Gravity forms are saved and works as expected.
But (I don’t know if is Koolkill problem) changes made with Customizer don’t refresh page with changes. I’ve to save changes and refresh page in other browser tab.
i’m using Divi Builder 1.3.8, Extra 1.3.9 and Gravity forms
Sorry for the inconvenience, but i think it’s better share with others this issue and don’t try to solve the problem through “closed” contact forms!
Same problem here!
There are some news about it?
I now know what it was wrong!!
I have assumed that child categories have some relationship with parent categories, and when i wrote a parent category id in exclude categories it exclude all child categories… But that is wrong!
I now wrote ALL categories in exclude categories list and all works fine!
Sorry for your time and work whit this (my fault) issue.
what an excellent tool!! With Query monitor i can see 2 tptn wuerryb callers:
SELECT DISTINCT ID, postnumber, cntaccess as sumCount
FROM wpm_top_ten
INNER JOIN wpm_posts
ON postnumber=ID
AND blog_id = 1
AND wpm_posts.post_status = ‘publish’
AND wpm_posts.post_type IN (‘post’)
LIMIT 25and
SELECT post_id, meta_value
FROM wpm_postmeta
= ‘tptn_post_meta’A simple note: wpm_ is my wordpress table prefix, it’s not a strange thing!!
I tried, but i didn’t see, with Query monitor, the output of that select queries.
So, you need more information?
yes i already tried to put excluded categories in settings page, and it works perfectly!! But in shortcode it didn’t work!!
Thanks for your support.
That shortcode list top 5 posts from all categories… same listed in “view popular posts”. That shortcode don’t filter top posts…
Until now, site development were made in intranet server, but in a while we can migrate to a “internet” server. Maybe in that moment, you can see that shortcode outputs!
I’m using this shortcode: [tptn_list exclude_categories=”21,13,1,10″]
[/tptn_list]Cache is disabled by default in Top10 settings.
Am i doing something wrong?
Sorry, but it doesn’t work!
There are a workaround?