Forum Replies Created
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Newbie – Sidebar queryHi mmarhala,
Can you not use the default template?
full width templates in themes are actually designed to not display a sidebar, hence why they are called full-width, this is to display the page content area as full width without any sidebars.
when you create your about page, can you not select the type of template to use which has a sidebar?
In case you want to add a sidebar to it though, you can use the code
<?php get_sidebar() ?>
In the template where you want the sidebar to appear. however the CSS would most likely need adjusting for that template too for both the sidebar & the page content area as it wasn’t designed to have a sidebar on that template.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Header OverlayHi Nikolette,
Can you try adding the following to your theme style.css
.post-type-archive-audiotheme_video #wrapper { position: relative; top: 50px; }
Hopefully that should work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using too much memory on my host?Hi,
Can you check for your server error logs?
An internal server error doesn’t give us much to go by, but if you can find an error_log file maybe in your site root (where wp-config.php resides) or in your /wp-admin folder, there may be something listen that can help us determine the cause.
812mb is a lot if you actually mean php memory_limit and not actual server memory.
How many plugins do you have installed, and is this a single wp install or a multisite install?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: hiHi, thanks for letting us know ??
Do you need help?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Reverting to Install PagesHi,
Usually that happens when wp-config.php is not present. You say this has happened a few times?
Is there anything in common with all the sites this has happened on? Are they on the same server? Do they have the same theme/plugins installed?
What happens to the wp-config.php file? does it seem to get deleted?
You could try changing the permission of wp-config.php to make it read only?
Have you checked your server access logs from your cpanel? that might show something up somewhere, but not guaranteed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where are the text and visual editor tabs for posts and pages?Hi,
You should see text/visual on the right hand side of the post editor screen. see
If you don’t see this, it could be that your theme or a plugin you have installed may be conflicting or not working properly with the latest WP.
Shortcode should be able to be entered on either the text or visual tab though, it shouldn’t matter.
Can you try temporarily switching to the default twentyfourteen theme and see if you see the visual/text tabs then?
Then try disabling all plugins and then check again, if the tabs appear, then activate each plugin one at a time, checking after each, until the issue returns, then you will know which plugin (if any) might be causing it.
Hope this helps
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving Directory giving Errorsomething else must also be incorrect then too.
Can you post a copy of your htaccess and wp-config.php (remove any DB details from it before you paste it though)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving Directory giving ErrorYou shouldn’t really need to edit the index.php file.
Can you change that to
/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */ require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php' );
dirname(__FILE__) should be all that’s required. you shouldn’t need the /wordpress part.
Hope this helps
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wordpress featured imagehi, how are you trying to display the featured image?
You can use
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { the_post_thumbnail(); } the_content();
This should help.
This sounds like maybe the host is blocking the outgoing mail.
Depending on your server, if it’s a dedicated, check if you have WHM, then in WHM try allowing Relay mail in Exim.
It’s always a good idea to setup an SPF record though, the server address would be your domain, and any other domain that you want to allow relays from or to send emails using your servers mail transport.
It’s been a while since I configured a server for emails, but that’s about the gist of it.
Hope this helps
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to move a widget from theme 1 to theme 2 ?Hi,
check in the theme functions.php
Look for the function that registers the widget area
It’ll look something similar to (but not exactly the same)function my_widgets_init() { register_sidebar( array( 'name' => 'Home right sidebar', 'id' => 'home_right_1', 'before_widget' => '<div>', 'after_widget' => '</div>', 'before_title' => '<h2 class="rounded">', 'after_title' => '</h2>', ) ); } add_action( 'widgets_init', 'my_widgets_init' );
Then in the theme you would add the get_sidebar()
The above would create a widget area, but if you are actually wanting a widget itself, you would need to find the widget code in the theme itself, it could be in the functions.php or a seperate file.
There’ll usually be around 3 functions, one to provide the admin widget options/form, 1 to register it & another to display/process the widget on the front-end.
Just search the files in the theme looking for the word ‘widget’ that should give you something to go on. This page might help you, understanding how they’re created should then help you find the code in the themes.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving Directory giving Errorhi,
Is that path actually correct?
Using FTP, can you check that you actually have a wp-blog-header.php file located in your /public_html/wordpress/wordpress/ folder?
That error is just saying that it can’t find the actual file it’s looking for.
But with the double /wordpress/wordpress/ in the path, can you doublecheck that you have entered the correct paths in wp-config.php, htaccess etc. It looks like you might have just entered a path wrong somewhere.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages overlappingHi @mosesog,
This could just be a CSS issue, depending on the theme.
Could you post a URL to the page, it will be much easier if we could see it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Major issue after update to 3.9Marking this as resolved.
It turns out this was some weird issue with the openDNS on the server, we changed it to use google DNS instead and it began to work.
sorry for the confusion. lot’s of coincidences all at the same, made it hard to pinpoint.
Yes, Google taking it over would be far better than Yahoo which is mostly unreliable these days.