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  • Hi,

    It sounds like another plugin or theme might be trying to define ABSPATH again.

    Or maybe ABSPATH is being defined again in wp-config.php

    Have a look in your wp-config.php for anything that might say

    define('ABSPATH', 'some path');

    If it’s there, try removing it or change it so it looks like:

    if (!defined('ABSPATH') {
    define('ABSPATH', 'some path');

    if it’s not there, then try changing theme or disabling plugins to see if the problem goes away.


    Unrelated to edit-flow plugin.

    But we get the same issue when used alongside coursepress pro plugin too.

    It prevents settings being saved in coursepress.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Widget error


    This sounds like it could be an issue with the theme or a plugin.

    When you say a widget is causing the issue. How have you actually registered the widget itself?

    Are you using a plugin to register the widget? or have you registered the widget by adding code to your theme functions.php?

    If the latter, could you copy/paste the actual code you used to register/create the widget in your theme functions.php



    It’s a little awkward.

    But try this.

    .home .entry-content {
      padding-top: 20px !important;
      margin-bottom: -10px !important;

    Hope this helps


    Try the following CSS;

    .home .entry-content .panel-grid {
      margin-bottom: 0px !important;
    .home .entry-content .panel-grid .textwidget {
      padding-bottom: 0px !important;

    Hope this helps

    Hi Aaron,

    You can adjust the width of the sidebar on the homepage only by adding the following CSS to your theme style.css

    .home .sidebar {
      width: 250px;

    The green seems to be coming from the .footer div in your template, so the following CSS should hopefully sort this for you.

    .home .footer {
      clear: both;

    Hope this helps

    Hi Ivor,

    If you are using multisite, you should only require the wildcard subdomain *

    You shouldn’t need to create the other subdomain for your site.

    so I would remove the subdomain as you shouldn’t require that.

    Hope this helps

    Hi Sree522,

    I realise this thread is a week old now, but could you provide a few more details to describe the issue, as i’m a little unclear on what is exactly happening, this is most likely why you haven’t received a response.

    Could you possibly post a URL to your site & page that is showing,

    What theme are you using?

    and if possible, could you take some screenshots of the relevant pages so we can take a look, this might then help others to better help you.

    Hope this helps

    Hi Jttb,

    i’m not sure of your actual server setup, but yes you should be able to create more than 40 tables.

    Could you provide a few more details on your setup, I realise this thread is 3 weeks old now, but if you are still having issues, we can try to help.

    Your description is very vague, which is most likely why you haven’t had a response, but if you can provide a lot more details of your setup & what you are trying to achieve, you might get better help ??

    If you are on shared hosting, and I am assuming that you are having trouble creating mySQL tables, if you have a limit on your mySQL, you might need to ask your webhost about this.

    Hope this helps

    Hi sandras,

    Multisite does work differently to single site installs.

    Personally I think the easiest method of doing this, would have been to change the documentRoot of your domain in your CPanel DNS zone settings, so that instead of the domain pointing at /public_html

    You instead point it at /public_html/test

    then using a plugin such as

    you can then use that to search the DB for your old URL paths replace with

    then just update your permalinks.

    With the method you have tried above though, i notice you used all lowercase in the description

    I have problems to get my multisite network up and running from main url I configured network first to subfolder

    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/Test/wp-blog-header.php’ );

    Is the folder name correct here? /Test or should it be /test?

    Character case on folder names really does matter.

    Hope this helps

    Looks like a bug in the code.

    It’s deleting $current_file and then a few lines later it’s trying to chmod the file it deleted.

    115 – 125

    		// Massage new filename to adhere to WordPress standards
    		$new_filename= wp_unique_filename( $current_path, $new_filename );
    		// Move new file to old location, new name
    		$new_file = $current_path . "/" . $new_filename;
    		move_uploaded_file($_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"], $new_file);
    		// Chmod new file to original file permissions
    		chmod($current_file, $original_file_perms);

    I think replacing the following line:

    chmod($current_file, $original_file_perms);

    replace with

    chmod($new_file, $original_file_perms);

    Should hopefully fix it.


    Can you copy/paste your htaccess file here & also your wp-config.php (please remove the DB credentials and salt keys before pasting)



    Sorry, I can’t access your site, I receive a forbidden message, maybe you have some IP/country restrictions enabled?

    You could possibly hide the header with CSS though, but without seeing the site I can only guess at the CSS to use.

    .home-page .header {
        display: none;

    But that depends on your theme, so that might not work on your theme.

    An alternative would be to edit the header code in the header.php of your theme and add a condition around it.

    For example

    <?php if(!is_front_page()) { ?>
        <div id="header">Your header code here</div>
    <?php } ?>

    Hope this helps


    Can you try going to Dashboard > settings > permalinks

    Then change the permalink to default and hit save, once done, change the permalink to post-name and see if that helps.



    there’s a lot going on on that page by the looks of it.

    I see at least 2 or 3 sidebars.

    The 1st footer you see where you see recent posts, recent comments etc is also an actual sidebar on it’s own.

    The sidebar in the right column is in a <section id=”sidebar> tag.

    Would you be able to post the whole template you have?

    Possibly if you could use pastebin to copy/paste the template code in & then post the URL to the pastebin here?

    It will make it easier for us to work out what’s happening if we can see the code.


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