Forum Replies Created
Ok, I solved that disabling the below_content in post section of Shareholic WordPress Dashboard, IMPORTANT NOTE: you should disable in WordPress (default options) and enable in Shareholic the feature you want to use (in my case, share buttons with shortcode).
Se ainda n?o foi feito, uma coisa que pode ajudar a evitar esse problema seria pegar o cache gerado pelo plugin Woocommerce Correios. Ele atualmente salva os CEPS pesquisados no banco de dados para evitar requisi??es desnecessárias ao WebService. Vê se isso ajuda.
Cara, faz um fallback para isso, se a API dos correios n?o responder. Usa a API gratuita Via CEP: Ela parece ser boa e confiável conforme falam dela na internet. Sen?o quiser implementar diretamente, faz um select em que o usuário consiga escolher a API que ele quer usar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WebP Express] Error in ‘Failed creating folder’ (show debug)What should be the expected result? It should be ‘C:\xampp\htdocs/store/wp-content/webp-express/webp-images/abs/test’?. i will try to fix it up, maybe replacing one function on windows should fix this problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce] Code refactoring1) You are using the IDE change as excuse, you don’t want to use PHPDoc Standard, I don’t understand your reluctance. You are nesting the a single line comment in a block comment and that is a bad code practice. If you don’t believe me, see:
2) I will be interested in contribute to plugin with two conditions:
2.1 – IF the plugin is open source, I will be happy to send pull requests, just give me the link of repository (I didn’t found in Google).
2.2 – IF the plugin has a commercial license, I want a percentage of it. But we can talk more if you wish.
3) As I can see, you don’t accept my opinions so I will use another plugin to make the filter of my theme. I lost my time here. Have a nice day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce] Code refactoring1) Tell me the IDE that is not breaking in the comment, because I tested in VSCode and in Sublime Text, two code editors can’t be wrong.
2) Yes, you can, maybe you don’t want to waste your time organizing it because it’s too big and it’s working as expected. See WooCommerce code and tell me you can’t split a class in two or in twenty.
Resolvido, tem que marcar a op??o ‘Exibir estimativa de entrega’ em WooCommerce > Entrega > Método de Pagamento (PAC, SEDEX) aí aparece lá o _delivery_forecast no metadata que s?o os dias. Muito obrigado!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Brazilian Market on WooCommerce] N?o suportado pelo WooCommerce 3.5Confirmado, @kakamartins, está aparecendo antes do nome e sobrenome: