9 years, 10 months ago
Maybe some kind of hidden plugin option to set prirotiy order.
I can work with 1.0.5. until update of 1.0.8.
I think that this issue is solved.
Yes. It is working ??
Can you explain?
Not sure if understand. Not using archive for cpt (has_archive=false).
I have taxonomy that is called same as cpt. My cpt is called ‘custom_tours’ (custom rewrite slug = ‘tours’) and i have taxonomy called ‘custom_tours’ (no custom rewrite slug).
I am expecting url like,
but i get with the_permalink(),
Yes, flushed rewrite rules by permalinks page and still same.
Today I reverted back to 1.0.5 and Custom slug are working. I will stick to version 1.0.5. for now until someone confirms this issue.