1 year, 5 months ago
hi, yes I meant adding posts to each one.
i have a site that has a short guide with some links and just would like to add ~1000 words at the end for authenticity
hoping it’ll be a feature soon
2 years, 5 months ago
What do u mean by product features?
Not sure if I’m setting it right. Only getting a few extra words per product
2 years, 6 months ago
amazon API is supposed to pull descriptions right?
Thank you ??
” But that’s already possibly as an additional service.”
if you’re willing to, email me
A great feature would also be the option to add custom content/category and not just to the whole site.
I’m sure that’s a plugin people would buy.
Spent 20m and all the info went way over my head lol.
I don’t think I was very clear.
I want to add “best buying guide for [post title] because I have a lot pages and would like to include a generic buying guide for each post
Not sure the html or java code that will work for that.
2 years, 8 months ago
I think I wasn’t clear in my post.
I want to know the page size difference between no API and API.