Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Install on 1&1 host not workingUsually, with most hosts, there is a temporary url to access yours site until your domain resolves properly, or if for some reason your domain is not working.
For example, if your domain name is MyNewDomain.tld, but the DNS hasn’t resolved yet and it’s not working, you can use the address the host gives you so you can still access your site via http and get to work while the DNS sorts out.
Example would be the ip_address/~YourUsername/
When your domain name resolves, ip_address/~YourUsername/ is the same as going to MyNewDomain.tld. Domains are a funny thing at times. I’ve seen a domain resolve through DNS in 5 minutes (yes, literally), but it can take up to 72-96 hours to fully resolve throughout the internet DNS structure. Usually, it’s less than 24 hours, but I have seen it take close to 72 hours before.
Can you go to just your domain name?
Granted WP will produce errors, but can you get anything from just going to the domain without the /wp-admin/install.php behind it?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Time Management and Learning word pressIf you really want to take advantage of WordPress, you should also add into your plans some time with the good folks at and as well.
This will help you understand what things do, and why.
Comes down to how much you want to learn, and for what purpose. If you want to just learn what WordPress does in general, and just accept the php part as “being there” and that if it’s “this tag” it does “this function”, cool. But once you understand what those tags do, and how, you can really open up a lot of power.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Administrator lockoutTakes you to a different user?
As in there are two users with the same username registered?Odd.
As a quick fix, you could go into phpMyAdmin, get into the user table and modify your admin username from whatever it is to something slightly different for a minute.
(example, change AdminUsername to AdminUsername33), and try logging in with what you changed it to.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Install on 1&1 host not workingBy “changed the config folder name” I assume you mean you changed “wp-config-sample.php” to “wp-config.php”?
Also, unless you were just in a hurry above, the actual link would be
Only thing other than that I can think of is that perhaps the domain you’re using isn’t resolving properly?
There should be 3 directories and 20 files in the directory for WordPress, so you said 23 above, which I guess could be the same breakdown.
Do you have a temporary address / alternate url to try for teoubleshooting purposes? Like ip_address/~username/ or something, just to see if it finds /wp-admin/install.php?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: new 3d blog siteI’m with dgold.
I’d love to see a sweet 3d theme implemented.
As it is now, not bad. A tick bright for me personally,
but it seems you have a handle on it overall.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: resolved vs. unresolved postings in the forumsSince there is some sort of a timestamp in relation to a post,
perhaps a trigger could be set to where if a topic is stale (say
a month without replies, or whatever) when this function is triggered
it could mark any unresolved topics as “unknown”, instead of unresolved.Have it trigger once every 24hrs or something, and then if a user for some reason has been detained for more than the timeframe specified for whatever reason, they can always come back and update it.
Wouldn’t be too difficult to do.
Doesn’t even have to be a selection in the list.Put a timestamp in the settings table (or whatever it is for this forum), and then run a check on that setting. If the current time is greater than the timestamp in the db + 24 hours, then run the trigger to update threads.
Then, a db query to set status=unknown (or whatever the field and setting is) with a where last_post_time is less then current time minus 30 days (or 60, 45, 15, whatever).
It’s a thought, anyway.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress SMF/Portal Plugin Released.No, the plugin is not capable of this.
It requires Enigma to be installed too.
(Sorry, I’m a dev for Enigma. Just one
of those things. ?? )If you are concerned with the look of your site,
In our gallery I have a screenshot of a site that
looks like a complete WordPress site.It would also open up a ton of possibilities for your site
as well. You can easily add things to your sidebar area(s)
through Enigma, and a ton of other things as well.As a sign of good will, for you I would be willing to assist you
in fully implementing this, in return for your feedback.
Helping with your theme, and getting it rolling.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Registration Approval/ModerationThis probably would be overkill for some people, but it is an alternative solution to the question in point. I guess it would depend on just how much you want this feature.
By using this system combination, you can set the method of user registration that you want. This system takes over for the standard WP registration.
You can either:
– Allow immediate registration– Allow registration upon email verification
(user must click a link to activate their account)– Approve each registration
– Turn off registration all together
You can always add a new member manually,
regardless of the level of registration.Ok, so this plugin requires 2 more pieces of software (free), but it comes down to how much you want this feature.
In addition it opens up a lot more as well.
This system also comes with captcha (image verification) for the guestbook that comes with the portal.
With this in mind, it’s currently in early development for an additional mod for users using this combination where they can add the ability for the image verification to be used in the comments submission as well.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How big can a WordPress site be?You’re welcome.
Just wanted to basically make the point that hardware limits a WP site more so than actual content amount. ??
Comments are the same way, so that should be plenty.
At least, I “hope” it would be.If not, someone would have more worries than what software they were running. ??
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: MySQL not working with IISUm, have you considered dumping IIS, and trying
XAMPP, from:
You’ll have much better success in the long run.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How big can a WordPress site be?30k? That it? ??
The limit on the number of posts/comments is huge.
Technically, the database is set for bigint(20). Which means,
that the highest id of a post in the database can be
99,999,999,999,999,999,999. I’d say that’s probably
sufficient. ??What it will come down to, is the server more than anything.
If the sites are really going to be ‘that’ big, and have heavy traffic,
you will need a quality host. Not the cheapest you can find, but
one with the power to handle a large traffic site. Your best option,
if this is the case, would be to get a dedicated server.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Counting Rows ReturnedIf you need the results of the query later on, you don’t want to make the myvar variable hold osmething else. You may or may not need the results, just a mention.
If you do NOT need the results, try this:
$myvar = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_visitorip WHERE ip=’$user_ip'”);if($myvar == 0)
// no rows, do whatever.
// at least 1 row, do something else.
?>If you do need the result of the query, do this instead.
$myvar = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM wp_visitorip WHERE ip=’$user_ip'”);
$myvarResults = mysql_num_rows($myvar);
if($myvarResults == 0)
// no rows, do whatever.
// at least 1 row, do something else.
// here you could run a while loop, whatever.
?>There’s tons of ways to do it. You can check the
myvar variable in tons of way.Like, if (!is_array($myvar)),
do a num rows, do a count query, whatever.Either way, if you do a check for = x, remember in a
check if something =’s a value, to use double equal signs,
($x == $y) or even triple in some cases.When in doubt, is a great reference for looking
up things you might not use everyday.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress SMF/Portal Plugin Released.I’m sure there are a few skeptics out there. I don’t blame you.
Many people cringe at the thought of a cms or portal.
So, to show a little of the flexibility of this bridge off, I grabbed a theme from (thanks y’all) and put it to use.
End result is it looks like a WordPress site, with some new content.
Here’s a link to a screenshot below. I took this of the forum index.
LukeForum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress SMF/Portal Plugin Released.Yes, it is.
We also have a very nice Coppermine bridge, as well as Gallery2.Granted, the CMS is what’s tying everything together. However, it is extremely powerful and can be whatever you want it to be.
I personally can’t wait to dig in and put together something really off the wall, just to prove the capabilites. Granted it’s a CMS/Portal, integrated with SMF, but it doesn’t have to have that classic CMS/Portal look. Just depends on how much time one wants to put into it. With some imagination and a little effort, the sky isn’t even a limit.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Static vs. DynamicI’ve had similar issues with sites like this. Here’s how I solved it.
First, I put everything aside.
Next, I asked myself what I wanted. Did I want the ease of dynamic content, and all that came with it, or did it matter if I had to chop up a ton of files, and in the end have straight static content?
Next, I looked at how often the content was updated. My answer was frequently.
I decided that I really needed the dynamic content, and features only it can provide.
So, that left the next part. The sites in question in each case were taxing the host. Problem: The site had outgrown the host.
Finally the decision. Static contant with the current host, or find one that could support the load.
I decided in each case to get a better host. It didn’t come for $5, but the additional cost paid for itself. If you’ve really got the traffic to warrant looking at this (dynamic vs static), most likely you can offset the additional expense in some form or fashion.
Summary: Figure out what you want in your site, then go from there. If it means changing hosts, and even getting a dedicated box, go for it.