10 years ago
I noticed the feature of <!–[wpfcNOT]–>
Cheers Luke
Good to hear.
Shortcode would be a great additional feature to have.
10 years, 1 month ago
Yep I changed the .htaccess file to 777 and then was able to activate cache and the required settings, then changed the permissions back to 664.
Same here I can not get it to calculate correctly.
FedEx is not available in selected country. UPS is not available in selected country. Flat Rate is not available in selected country.
Any help to get this plugin working would be great.
10 years, 2 months ago
I think this would of use. Since of lot of companies that run WooCommerce stores would want a support ticket system that works that way and used the My Account for account creation of login back it to submit a support ticket.
Thanks that worked.