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  • Hi @lafaverp

    Due to the differences between and the community version of WordPress(.org) supported here, you should probably ask Support instead.

    Further reading: What’s the difference between and

    Hi again @saracellini88

    In fact, when you posted on the forum, it wasn’t a category issue anymore. The redirections were only happening between regular pages (which indeed have a section that lists posts of a specific category).

    Usually, category pages include something in their URLs to distinguish them from regular pages, such as, well, category. For example, the category URL of “Food Guides Abroad” is currently, but it might be best to have it as for instance or something else. This is usually the default configuration and it helps to avoid URL conflicts with pages, as you encountered. However, it’s not a setting that we can change with a few clicks, so it’s more likely either a specific plugin that is doing this, or your theme, or a custom code snippet added by a developer, or a special setting of your hosting provider. You might want to fix this, but it’s not critical as long as you don’t create a page and a category with the same name.

    Anyway, it looks like your primary issue is now fixed since there are no pages with food-travel-guides-old or food-travel-guide anymore, and the URL is now working. This is great, congrats! ?? I can see there is only 1 post though. If you want to list more posts on the page, you just have to add them to the “Food Guides Abroad” category and they will show up.

    Is there anything else you need help with? If not, please don’t forget to mark this topic as resolved. This helps volunteers find the topics that still need attention. Thank you so much!

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by luk4.

    Hi @saracellini88,

    Thanks for the detailed history of what happened and for the very clear explanations. This helps a lot!

    What’s happening here is that WordPress is smart enough to redirect a wrong URL to another existing similar one. Since there is no anymore, it is trying to find a similar one and ends up at automatically.

    To bring back the URL, you just have to choose to which of the two “Food Travel Guides” pages you want it to be applied (either the one with the URL, aka slug, food-travel-guide or the one with the slug food-travel-guides-old). Then go to the WordPress Pages screen (the pages list), mouse over the page you want to update the slug for, click on “Quick Edit“, and update the part in front of “Slug” to food-travel-guides (instead of food-travel-guide or food-travel-guides-old). Then click the “Update” button.

    Now the new slug of the page (URL) will be

    Don’t hesitate if you have any questions or need further help.

    Hi @markez123,

    Actually, it seems this is already known since there is a translation team dedicated to Serbian (Latin) in addition to Cyrillic Serbian. However, it appears that no translation has ever been released indeed. This is likely because there are not enough volunteers to complete the translation. Fortunately, you can help! ??

    I suggest that you visit the page dedicated to Serbian (Latin) translation to reach out to the people involved and perhaps make this happen.

    Have a nice day.

    Hi @dinnai

    I encourage you to visit the Russian-language support forums here:

    Хорошего дня

    Hi @aloarch

    Have you finally had a chance to sort out your issue? If so, please don’t forget to mark this topic as resolved. This helps volunteers like me find the topics that still need attention. Thank you so much!

    Hi @junvalentia

    If you absolutely want to use a cover block, you’ll indeed have to set specific settings and add custom CSS code. In particular, you’ll have to remove the full height property from the block (since you cannot force the image to be full-height and full-width without distorting it obviously) and add a custom class to the cover block, such as pittan-custom-cover. Then, add the following CSS snippet to ensure the full image is visible:

    .pittan-custom-cover {
      aspect-ratio: 1.92 !important;

    Please note that the value 1.92 is specific to your current image. If you switch to a different image, you’ll need to adjust this value accordingly.

    However, I would recommend using a regular image block instead of a cover block. This approach won’t require custom CSS and should better meet your needs.

    1. Just add a regular image block and select your image from the Media Library.
    2. Then, set it to full-width.

    If you want to have a full-height effect, you can:

    1. insert the image block into a group block,
    2. set the background color of the group block to match the image (almost black),
    3. arrange the group block horizontally (as a row),
    4. and finally, set its minimum height to 100vh (100vh is full-height but you can customized the height as you want).

    Here is an example that you can copy and paste directly into your page:

    <!-- wp:group {"align":"full","style":{"dimensions":{"minHeight":"100vh"},"color":{"background":"#040406"}},"layout":{"type":"flex","flexWrap":"nowrap"}} -->
    <div class="wp-block-group alignfull has-background" style="background-color:#040406;min-height:100vh"><!-- wp:image {"id":503,"sizeSlug":"full","linkDestination":"none","align":"full"} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-image alignfull size-full"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-503"/></figure>
    <!-- /wp:image --></div>
    <!-- /wp:group -->

    I hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

    Hi @gordon2740

    It seems that your PDF files are showing up again on your pages. Well done! Please, don’t forget to mark this topic as resolved. This helps the volunteers like me find the topics that still need attention. Thank you!

    Hi @mrsunicornlover

    It appears that your website is back. Well done! Please, don’t forget to mark this topic as resolved. This helps the volunteers like me find the topics that still need attention. Thank you!

    Hi @aloarch

    This appears to be an issue with a poorly calibrated WAF (Web Application Firewall). It’s most likely a problem at the hosting level, rather than from WordPress itself. I’d highly recommend reaching out to your hosting provider first to sort this out.


    Hi @mrsunicornlover

    I don’t think you’ll receive a magic URL to any email address.

    The correct way to resolve the There has been a critical error on this website issue, formerly known as WordPress White Screen of Death, is by following these steps:

    Since you mentioned that you updated the theme, you’ll need to log in through sFTP, or access the file manager in your hosting dashboard. Then, rename the directory of the active theme located in <your-website-root-directory>/wp-content/themes/<your-active-theme-directory-to-rename>. This will allow you to log back into the WordPress backend.

    Good luck with that!

    Hi @gordon2740

    What do you call the “WP developer environment” exactly?

    Otherwise, look for a page with a PDF embedded, edit it and ensure there are no curly quotation marks ” ” but only vertical quotation marks " " around the url and title of the [pdf-embedder ...] part. If so, change them and update the page. Is the PDF showing up on this page now?

    Also, are you using the WordPress Block Editor when editing a page?



    Hi @notpoppy

    Did you finally get what you wanted? If so, please don’t forget to mark this topic as resolved. This helps the volunteers like me find the topics that still need attention. Thank you!

    Hi @notpoppy

    My bad, I forgot a closing curly bracket } at the end of the function. The correct code is:

     * Customize Author Field of Comment Form, using WP_HTML_Tag_Processor
     * See:
    function wporg_custom_author_comment_field( $field_author ) {
    	$tags = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $field_author );
    	if ( $tags->next_tag( 'input' ) ) {
    		$tags->set_attribute( 'minlength', "5" );
    		$tags->set_attribute( 'maxlength', "100" );
    	return $tags;
    add_filter( 'comment_form_field_author', 'wporg_custom_author_comment_field', 10, 1 );

    You’ll likely need both frontend and backend checks anyway, as you don’t want regular users to see their comments rejected without understanding why, or to be able to set names that are too long or too short.

    So, yes, you should be able to use pre_comment_approved to automatically move a comment to the trash if the author’s name length doesn’t meet your requirements. You can access comment data, including the author’s name, through the commentdata array (like $commentdata['comment_author']), check its length, and if it doesn’t meet your criteria, return trash. You’ll find everything you need on the reference page of the pre_comment_approved filter here:

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by luk4.

    Yes indeed, @gappiah is right, the dark mode is added by your theme, Blockify. I’m not sure why it only appears after the WordPress 6.5.2 update though. Anyway, there is a thread (and a solution) in the Blockify support forum:

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