Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Import WordPress WXR – Category IDs changedAnd that’s why relying on ids for conditionals isn’t a Good Idea. Try using page, post and catgeory names instead.
Except that I cannot hard-code in those names as the client may change them (in my custom theme schema, that is an option)… but he will NOT change the IDs. That is why (IMHO) using IDs in conditionals is actually better…
But back to the point then, any idea WHY the ID was changed during the import? And how to avoid that from happening? Thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error – pluggable.phpOK – just going to update this as I work through it, in hopes that maybe the additional info will help my eventual savior actually find a solution ??
So the problem in that whole block of code has been isolated to the last line:
— comment that out, and the error goes away. Of course, I don’t get the desired result – that is the redirect doesn’t work, but the code ceases to throw an error… so, I suspect I’m on the trail of the bug.My first thought was maybe wp_redirect itself was the problem – reading the codex on that function, seems it can only be used once. So maybe it is being used elsewhere. However, my only guess for *where* else ‘wp_redirect’ is being uses is the “WP No Category Base” plugin and again this error still occurs when the plugin is disabled.)
Nonetheless, I tried a different redirection method. Replacing that wp_redirect line with the following:
$URI = get_category_link($firstchild->term_id); // redirect header('Location: '.$URI);
Still get the error, only now instead of referencing the pluggable.php core file, it references my category.php template (where this suspect code lives…) – so, again, I’m on the trail of the bug…
Sorry for the long-winded play-by-play… just hoping a kind and curious forum member can help.
Am I using
incorrectly? Any alternatives?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to redirect category to first available subcategory (child)ack… actually, scratch that ^^ — causes an yet unresolved error:
hi Tuppaloprobe – you found a resolution on this? The thread is marked as resolved. I have the same error message, also when dealing with some custom scripting dealing with categories and specifically the “get_the_category” function… I’d appreciate hearing what you found out, and see if it helps me solve my issue. Thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to redirect category to first available subcategory (child)This worked for me… includes @akis’ suggested corrections plus the proper parameters for get_categories (original snippet above uses parameters for “get_pages” per @michaelh’s original link).
<?php // redirect parent category to first child $thiscategory = get_query_var('cat'); $cat_query = array ( 'child_of' => $thiscategory, 'orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'desc' ); $catkids = get_categories($cat_query); if ($catkids) { $firstchild = $catkids[0]; wp_redirect(get_category_link($firstchild->term_id)); } ?>
For my purposes, I included this snippet in my custom category.php template.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Edit Page ID In WordPress Databaseupdate: I see now that I can access and edit the post IDs in the ‘wp_posts’ table in the database, via phpMyAdmin.
So now, the question is simply: what are the risks / errors that could result if I manually change a post ID in the database?
Again, the scenario is that the post ID for a few pages where, for some unknown reason, actually changed during the WXR import. So I simply want to correct those pages’ IDs… I know the post IDs I want to use and they are not in use currently, so there won’t be any duplication. Any other possible conflicts to be aware of?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP-Table Reloaded Settings Not Available, Plugin Not Workingoh. my. goodness. I feel silly ?? Honestly, it was under Settings in my other install… but now I remember, it is under Tools by default and you can select to move it to Settings (which is what I did in other installs, but was now expecting to find it there by default…).
ughh…. and now that I’m thinking about it, you explain this all somewhere in the plugin documentation, didn’t you?
Well, I’m a dummy and you’re great… you could’ve just replied RTFM ?? Thanks a bunch, Tobias. Donation earned and then some.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: MM Forms email arrives without the input data. Please help?Hi tbelmans – any chance you’d be able to help on getting the MM Forms export function to work properly? I only get a 404 error – See here for details, if you care to help:
Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: MM Forms] Autogenerate CSV exportbecken – Would you be so kind to share any info on how you have been able to get the MM Forms export function to work properly? I only get a 404 error – see here for details, if you care to help:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Capturing form dataShannonWX – you have been able to get the MM Forms export function to work properly? I only get a 404 error – see here for details, if you care to help:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: MM Forms – export CSV not workingHey ocaptain – yeah, shame the export doesn’t work.
See additional info here: – no solution but I’ve listed a possible alternative that might help you out.
(and to the WP community at large, apologies for the duplicate post – if a mod wishes to delete this thread, by all means that’s fine)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: MM Forms] Unable to export CSV filesRe: ^ Previous comment ^
That is exactly the error scenario I’ve experienced. When you use the export and download option within the plugin, you can see there is a “.csv” file created in the exports folder (literally “.csv”, without an actual file name). If you try to open that file, you get a null result. The plugin itself sends you to the 404 error page (b/c the file the plugin expects to have been created in fact does not exist).
If you are looking for a reliable (i.e. functioning) export option, I’d advice you to AVOID this plugin.
Tom Belmans, assumed to be the developer of this plugin, initially refused all assistance unless you agree to 30Euro per hour support fee. That’s entirely his prerogative, but this is (I’m 99% certain) a bug and not a support issue. I thought I convinced him of this, as he eventually offered to “spend 2 minutes looking into it” but I never heard back from him and it’s been over 2 weeks now. So… obviously, I’ve long since moved on.
Shame, b/c as described it looks to be very useful except for this one very unfortunate bug with the export functionality.
If you are looking for an adequate alternative with form creation and DB export functionality, try the FormBuilder plugin found here:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: MM Forms] Unable to export CSV filesI’m having the same problem –
- On the main MM Forms admin page, I click the “Export” option for the form I want
- The “download now” link is then generated under the “Download CSV” column there, and I click on that to download the CSV
- Instead of getting the CSV, I get a 404 error page – e.g.
Unfortunately the folks at MM have thus far refused any assistance unless I pony up 30Euro for support. However, I don’t believe this is a support issue but rather a BUG – here’s why:
- I’ve disabled all other plugins and I’m testing this with the default WordPress theme, so I’ve pretty much ruled out plugin and theme conflicts.
- I’m using the plugin with all of its default settings, so user error can be eliminated.
- I’ve setup and made all the directories writeable as noted in the instructions at
Yet this plugin still does not seem to export properly to the desired directories – I get a 404 error each time I try to download the export, because it is never actually created. Sounds like a bug.
Anybody else figure this out?
Any chance tom belmans, technology expert at motionmill, or Wannes De Loore also of motionmill would be able to provide some advice?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Displaying Text based on Parent Page’s Name/SlugOK – hours of searching later (this time, I’m not just “feeling” that way!), I’ve found the following code at Perishable Press (see “Method #8” described on that linked page):
<?php $current_page = $post->ID; $parent = 1; while($parent) { $page_query = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT post_name, post_parent FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = '$current_page'"); $parent = $current_page = $page_query->post_parent; if(!$parent) $parent_name = $page_query->post_name; } ?>
End result is that
gets the parent’s slug. Bravo.Now… can anybody help me understand WHY/HOW this works? ?? (jk… sorta…)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Displaying Text based on Parent Page’s Name/SlugHey folks – glad I found this topic (after searching for what feels like hours!), b/c I have a similar need.
I basically want to grab the slug of a sub-page’s parent. This will then be used in a dynamic menu highlight scheme…
So far I’ve found methods for calling the post’s slug, as well as getting the parent’s ID # – but NOT the actual slug of the parent. For example:
<?php echo $post->post_name; ?>
– returns the post’s slug<?php echo $post->post_parent; ?>
– returns parent’s post id#Now the second code example timjpriebe posted above is the closest I’ve found to what I need — falls just short, as it returns (best I can tell) not the actual slug but the parent’s post title.
So… any help on perhaps tweaking that code or some other method for getting the parent’s slug?