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Sorry for the delay.
As I mentioned earlier, my problem was identical to yours.
What worked here was changing the Ecommerce Event configuration. Instead of using the Data Layer, I set up my ecommerce event to use a new custom variable. You can see my configuration here.
My custom variable grabs the ecomm data from Data Layer. You can see how my variable is configured here, and the code I used bellow:
function() { var ecommerceData = { 'ecommerce': {{Ecommerce}} }; return ecommerceData; }
Everything working fine since then. I don’t have a clear understanding of why this works, but it works for me.
Hope it helps.
I was facing the exactly same problem. I’m also using Cookiebot and the issue is identical to mine.
I solved it by creating a new variable (javascript function) that grabs the ecommerce object from dataLayer.
Then I disabled the option “Use Data Layer” on my GA3 tag and used my new variable instead.
This solved the problem for me.
I hope it helps.
Atualizando o status aqui.
Falei com o Gabriel e ele descobriu um problema relacionado a configura??o do opcache em meu servidor (
Foi feito um ajuste nas configura??es do servidor (php.ini) conforme abaixo:
opcache.load_comments=1Dessa forma o plugin voltou a funcionar.
O Gabriel disse que incluíriam uma corre??o para esse problema no próximo release do plugin.
Obrigado @apuhlmann!
Obrigado @apuhlmann. Acabei de enviar.
Mesma coisa @apuhlmann:
06-16-2018 @ 15:05:17 - Creating payment 06-16-2018 @ 15:05:17 - Sending create payment request: Array ( [intent] => sale [payer] => Array ( [payment_method] => paypal ) [transactions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [payment_options] => Array ( [allowed_payment_method] => IMMEDIATE_PAY ) [item_list] => Array ( [items] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Nome do Curso [currency] => BRL [quantity] => 1 [price] => 870 [sku] => CWP20171216 [url] => ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Nome do Curso [currency] => BRL [quantity] => 1 [price] => 3200 [sku] => CMDE20170904 [url] => ) ) [shipping_address] => Array ( [recipient_name] => Ludy Amano [country_code] => BR [postal_code] => 00000000 [line1] => Avenida Paulista, 123 [line2] => Bela Vista [city] => S?o Paulo [state] => SP [phone] => (XX) XXXXX-XXXX ) ) [amount] => Array ( [currency] => BRL [total] => 4070 [details] => Array ( [shipping] => 0.00 [subtotal] => 4070 ) ) ) ) [redirect_urls] => Array ( [return_url] => [cancel_url] => ) ) 06-16-2018 @ 15:05:18 - PHP Error: Getter function for 'payer' in 'PayPal\Api\Payment' class should have a proper return type. 06-16-2018 @ 15:05:18 - PHP Error: Getter function for 'payer' in 'PayPal\Api\Payment' class should have a proper return type.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by ludyamano.
Realizei mais algumas tentativas:
Fiz uma nova instala??o do WordPress, com tema padr?o (Twenty Seventeen) e os plugins:- WooCommerce v3.4.2
- PayPal Plus Brasil v.1.0.8
- WooCommerce Extra Checkout Fields for Brazil v3.6.1
O problema persiste.
Segunda tentativa: neste mesmo ambiente testei as vers?es 1.0.7 e 1.0.6 do plugin. Sem sucesso também.
Terceira tentativa: neste mesmo ambiente testei as vers?es 1.0.8 e WooCommerce v3.2.6. Sem sucesso.
On my website the CF7 javascript is being loaded using the defer parameter. This causes problems on sending form in mobile devices.
I′ve solved this by dequeing the script and manually loading it on the footer without the defer.