I checked all that and it all looks correct, as far as I can tell. However, I suspect there is something wrong with the password, or something related to it.
Its pretty clear the password is stored as an md5sum that is the password that I set when I set it up. However, the password that was placed in wp-config.php is something that I do not recognize.
If I change the password from the string I don’t recognize that is when I get the “Error establishing a database connection”. Also, if I try to login to the WordPress login for my site when the password is changed from the original string it says that it can’t connect to the MySQL database.
If I leave the password string alone that I don’t recognize and try to do the same things the following problems happen:
1. Going to my site’s blog results in the browser saying that there is a redirect error and that the connection will never complete.
2. I can get to the WordPress login screen, but I am unable to login in with any password.
What is wrong with this set up?