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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Author is incorrect (when writing pages) :-(Had this problem on 2.5.1 and the workaround worked for me thanks!
I have a site where I expect to get more and more users (well, hope anyway ?? ), I’ll see if the problem recurs when more people add themselves…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: bbPress vs. SimplePress – which one do you prefer and why?Another vote for Simple Press
I found both of them easy to install.
But I just prefer the look and the user experience of Simple press – searching and browsing are easy and intuitive.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Which forum should I use ? WP-Forum or Simple:Press Forum ?I am using Simple:Press with 2.51 and find it very easy to use – just plug it in, configure it from the admin panel to give chosen titles to the new forum boards you want, and it just works straight away.
If you check out the forum pages on that yellow swordfish site, one of the forums is a “strut your stuff” board – there you can find links to a bunch of sites all using Simple:Press. Have a browse around those sites and see if it is the look and feel you would like.
The upsides of it:
It works at once.
The front of it integrates at once – its embedded in a new “Page” of your blogsite
The back of it integrates at once – it shares users with wordpress – no need for seperate login
The support is good – the developer listens to users and adds more features all the time.
It has the same/similar editors as wordpress – users can (depending on admin settings) link, add pictures, upload pictures etc using the same sort of wysiwyg editor like wordpress.
It has the ability to really link between the blog and forum – i.e. new blog posts can automatically spawn forum threads for discussing them – you don’t have to use this if you don’t want to, but it is there.I have not used WP-Forum – hopefully you’ll get some feedback from others on what that is like – the forum at the link you put does not have a lot of recent activity, but maybe that’s because the plugin has no current bugs.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Drop-down subpages on Mandingo ThemeHello,
I am having the same problem as rightweb2. (Mandigo.I am trying a fix from here:
z-index: 10;
in the right place (li ul) of the mandigo theme stylesheet may work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: digg3 theme / missing tabsHi Jeremy, thankyou for your advice on how to do that more easily,
HelenForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: digg3 theme / missing tabsHi tahoestyle,
looks like smallpotato designed the theme for wordpress users with, initially, two tabs in the header: “Home” (displays the blog) and “About” (the page with page ID 2, which is generally the About page).
Read the “readme.txt” file in the theme folder to see how to change the Header file a little bit to add one or two of your favourite pages in the header tabs as well.
When the theme was adapted for use at, it was tweaked so that it then contained tabs for each published page on your blog.
I’m not sure if the php code which was used for achieving that is public?
I did tweak my wordpress installation to do the same thing – this is very hacky as I am not a web designer, but I’m sharing it here in case its useful for you.
Step 1 – add some functions
Add these functions somewhere – I added them in my “Header” file somewhere near the top. There is probably somewhere sensible to add functions, but I don’t know where that is, so within the<header>
tags of the “Header” File worked fine for me:<?php function string_page_as_list_items($pagenumber) { $mypage=get_post($pagenumber); $mystringarray[0] = "<li><a href=\""; $mystringarray[1] = get_permalink($pagenumber); $mystringarray[2] = "\" title=\""; $mystringarray[3] = __($mypage->post_title); $mystringarray[4] = "\">"; $mystringarray[5] = __($mypage->post_title); $mystringarray[6] = "</a></li>"; $myanswer = ""; if (strcmp($mypage->post_status,"publish")==0) { $myanswer=implode("",$mystringarray); } return $myanswer; } ?> <?php function string_pages_as_list_items() { $set_of_pages = get_all_page_ids(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($set_of_pages) ; $i += 1) { $pagenum = $set_of_pages[$i]; $mystringarray[$i] = string_page_as_list_items($pagenum); } return implode("",$mystringarray); } ?>
Step 2 – Edit the menu part of the Header file
I then editied the place where the “menu” division is. (Still in the “Header” file) so that it now looks like this:
<div id="menu"> <ul> <li> <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>"> <?php _e('Home'); ?></a></li> <?php echo string_pages_as_list_items() ?> </ul> </div>
Needless to say, only mess about with these things if you are a) brave b) confident you can change it back if it breaks stuff
HelenForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: <![CDATA[name-of-author]]> shown in every commentOh, btw, for me, this involved: deleting all the posts on the blog which had comments, from the “manage posts” page. (Not soooo bad for me, as there were only 40 or so). Then (having made the changes from the patch) re-importing the file again – it is clever enough to not duplicate the non-commented posts which were still there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: <![CDATA[name-of-author]]> shown in every commentHi, there is a solution to the problem, the problem was reported as on a bug ticket and a patch is suggested there.
So, to if you want to solve the problem, and if you are brave enough to mess with the code, then edit your ‘wp-admin/import/wordpress.php’ file and your ‘wp-admin/export.php’ file in the ways suggested, and it should work – I only had to edit my ‘wp-admin/import/wordpress.php’ file because I was importing a file from a blog which already does its cdata tags like that.
HelenForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: <![CDATA[name-of-author]]> shown in every commentI am having same problem.
Here is link to the same problem on forum
I am going to try global replace of the
]]>But I presume they are used for something?
They exist in tags other than the comments (e.g. they exist in the “categories” tags too) and don’t seem to break import of categories.