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  • Thread Starter lucabarbetti


    Hi Igor, sorry for the late reply.
    I think that listing all the shelter’s adoptable pets would be good enough.
    Maybe with some kind of ajax paging and filtering capabilities, just in case a shelter has lots of pets?

    Thank you!

    I have the same problem either with a commercial theme or with WordPress themes like Twenty Fifteen, some images would work as featured images and some would not. I have also tried, but to no avail, a fresh WP 4.2 install with no plugins added. (My post on WP forum Localhost Installs)
    This is driving me crazy! ??

    Thread Starter lucabarbetti


    You are the man! ??
    Learning from the WooCommerce templates of Virtue I was able to adjust the single player template. It’s not perfect yet, but I got rid of those pesky extra header, menu, sidebar and footer. Now I just need to fix the style.
    Thanks a lot Clubpress, have a super day! ??

    Thread Starter lucabarbetti


    No problem! ??

    Thread Starter lucabarbetti


    Hi Zaida,
    it’s been a long time ago!
    I don’t remember but if I’m not mistaken, it depended on the language of the browser (try to test it with a browser in a different language) or had to be forced using a script (something as described here ).
    Hope this helps you.

    Thread Starter lucabarbetti


    Ok, that’s odd because Virtue support WooCommerce quite well and haven’t had any problem with it… well maybe I was just lucky and didn’t trigger anything that could have messed up the theme.
    Anyway, I understand that with so many themes out there it’s impossible to make a plugin that perfectly fits them all.
    I’ll try to give a deeper look at the code (even if, not being a programmer, chances are awfully high that I’ll break everything!) and if I can’t fix it (very much likely) I’ll knock at the plugin website support forum door.
    Looking forward to seeing your new theme!
    Thanks a lot!

    Thread Starter lucabarbetti


    done exactly what you said and been able to upload the translation! ??
    Speaking of translation I think that there are few strings that are not translatable because they don’t appear in the pot file (or I wasn’t able to spot them). They are the ‘titles’ that come out from the shortcodes like Players, Standings, etc.
    Am I wrong or missing something?
    Thanks! ??

    No problem, glad to help you.

    Well, if you are talking about the dropdown menu, you’ve got to create it first and than you can see it.
    Go to Dashboard->Appearance->Menus and create the “main menu” (just saying, pick your names) for you primary language, another one “menu principal” for your secondary language and so on; then associate each of them with its position and language (e.g. “main menu” with Main English, “menu principal” with Main Espanol…); then, of course, you’ll have to populate the menus with all the links you need, just remember to select the right menu every time you add links.
    If you want add the language switcher to the main menus, first you have to click on the tab “screen options”, up right in the Menus page, and check off “language switcher” (thanks Chouby!!!), done that the language switcher appears to the left of the menu structure and you are able to add it to the selected menu, in the same way as if it was a page, a link etc…

    my pleasure, glad to know you finally got it working. ??

    Don’t worry joanpineda, we are on the same boat and surely I won’t laugh about being newbies…
    Notepad is fine, make sure that your file has the right extension .xml and not .txt, which is notepad default. To upload it to your website, specifically into Polylang folder, you can use a FTP client like Filezilla (which is an excellent free client) or some file management tool that your host provides (some have a Control Panel with a File Manager).

    Hi joanpineda,
    since I was just trying this out of curiosity more than express need, (I’m not using it in a production website) I didn’t do what Chouby wisely suggested and didn’t contact A.J. Clarke, the author of Pytheas, because what I did seems to work even though it might be drastic and not the best solution.
    Here is what I did:

    • Create the file wpm-config.xml with the following code in it
              <key name='options_wpex_themes'>
                  <key name='home_tagline' />
                  <key name='home_services_title' />
                  <key name='home_portfolio_title' />
                  <key name='home_blog_title' />

      and put it in Polylang directory.

    • Download the latest Options Framework plugin from (
    • Rename the admin folder in your /themes/wpex-pytheas/ as admin-original, just to have the original at hand in case something goes wrong.
    • Create a new admin folder in your /themes/wpex-pytheas/ and copy in it all the files and folders that you find in the options-framework folder. Actually I didn’t copy lang, readme.txt and screenshot-1.png because I thought I wouldn’t need them.

    After that and if I haven’t forgotten any step, you should be able to see and translate the homepage strings in Dashboard->Settings->Languages->Strings translation.
    As Chouby said, the best would be asking A.J. Clarke and see what he has to say about it, meanwhile try this and let me know if it works for you as well.

    Hey Scorppio, this is getting hilarious and somewhat embarrassing for me, I gave you two answers and none of them was helpful!
    Alright, let’s try to do better this time… I checked your example and, with Contact Form 7 ver. 3.5.2 and latest WP, all the fields that I create appear empty, which means without those values that disappear when a user would start typing in.
    You are correct, those are not default values but “watermarks”, as Takayuki Miyoshi call them, and those depend on javascript but you should be able to ‘translate’ them whith something like this:

    <p>Mensaje<br />
    [textarea* textarea-38 watermark "Mensaje"]<p>

    Hope this does it!

    P.S. Now I wonder why I don’t get automatically those watermarks in my setup… not that I need or like them but, if you get them automatically and I don’t, there might be something not working as expected. Gotta check this out.

    I think, if I have understood correctly your problem, those words might be the default values that you can set when you create those fields. When you create a field like text-area or text-field, you can set a default value that will appear on the frontend using the “Default value (optionl)” field, and when you do this your shortcode become something like [textarea* message “Message”] and [text* name “Name”] where “Message” and “Name” represent the default values that appears in the corresponding fields of the form on the frontend.
    Check your shortcodes and, if this is your problem, replace all the default values with the corresponding translated words(e.g. “Message” with “Mensaje”).

    P.S. I use Contact Form 7 3.5.2 and I don’t see this happening unless I set the default values, otherwise all the fields appear empty in contact form.

    Hi Scorppio,
    when you add a new contact form you can select the language and that should create a basic form with all the fields and text in that language.
    If you start copying the Contact Form 1 instead, you want to translate manually all the text and field of that sample form (e.g. change <p>Your Name (required)<br />[text* your-name]</p> into <p>Nome (necesario)<br />[text* your-name]</p>).
    Hope this solves your problem

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