I’m trying to use this to calculate total ticket price for multiple attendees. I have installed the latest dev version and my form is at https://www.rochesterdowntown.com/luncheon-payment (below the paypal stuff) . I’m using the following code but am not sure what is incorrect and where I should be placing this. Does it go in gf-repeater.js? Thank you
jQuery('#gform_1').on('gform_repeater_init_done gform_repeater_after_repeat gform_repeater_after_unrepeat', function(event, repeaterId, repeatId){
if (repeaterId == 1) {
var totalPrice = 0;
var milesFields = gfRepeater_select(41, 1, 2, null, null, null, null);
jQuery.each(milesFields, function(){
if (this.val()) { totalPrice += Number(this.val()); }