3 months, 2 weeks ago
my cron seems to be running every hour (there is no ” ! None” ) however I am not seeing any output
Are there any other reports within WP Crontrol to check?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Thank you John. I have not been able to get the cron job working using a URL either
I will reach out to the M.E. Calendar support to see if I can obtain more detail
4 months ago
just to close the loop, I used the css code and it worked
4 months, 2 weeks ago
the css code worked, thank you
is there not a way to use the various settings that already exist be able to place the “poll box” anywhere within a page?
do I need to add this css code to every poll that I wanted centred?
If you look at this page (URL above), I want to centre the poll in the middle of the page. I presume I am missing some simple setting.