Forum Replies Created
Hey @kimvt1991
Regarding importing reviews, this feature is already available with other plugin of us( so we should not add it to this plugin.
The link to the suggested plugin is not loading. Please review and provide a valid one. Or is it from my end?
Thanks for your response. I’ll take a look on the recommendation.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Essential Real Estate] No Side Bar On ERE PagesHey @horizondigital
You can see the modified version of archive-agent.php at
You can do the same at other files of the plugin that outputs sidebar beneath the page contents, such as,archive-agent.php
, andtaxonomy-agency.php
.Just go to the second last line of each file, and you will see the code to comment out, which is
.Remember to copy those files to your child theme folder.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Essential Real Estate] No Side Bar On ERE PagesHey @horizondigital
Commenting that line of code shouldn’t throw up an error, but I recommend you edit the file using ftp client or through ssh client like putty.Is not recommended to edit files from WordPress dashboard.
But if I log on to my PC, I can share the modified file here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Essential Real Estate] No Side Bar On ERE PagesAll is now as I want it to be.
Files are now in my child theme, sidebars are up and running as expected.Thanks for this awesome plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Essential Real Estate] No Side Bar On ERE PagesHey @horizondigital
Sorry for the delay response.
For you to get rid of the sidebar that appears beneath the single properties and archive property pages, you have to go to navigate to
and edit these two files
archive-propeprty.php and single-property.php.On archive-propeprty.php, go to the line 234 and comment out this line of code
to become
// do_action('ere_sidebar_property');
Then on single-property.php, go to line 31 and comment out the same line of code
to become
// do_action('ere_sidebar_property');
NOTE: This code will be over write whenever you update the plugin. So, you have to manually update that line of code. To position the sidebar to its position, you will need to find the right
<div> class
that positions your blog and page content and use it on those files as I did on my siteUntil I find how to push the plugin template file to my child team template section, I have to manually edit those files anytime the plugin is updated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Essential Real Estate] No Side Bar On ERE PagesI tried to move the template folder to my theme template section, and make some modification, but the plugin isn’t picking the files from the theme folders. So I made the modification directly on the plugin, which I know is a bad way of modifying plugin files. But at last, I was able to get the sidebar positioned where it needed to be.
So, I have to keep my eye on update and make the necessary modification once update is done on the plugin.
I’m using astra theme.
This is terrible!
That is to say, the owner of will see the subscribers of even when they are not subscribed to
If that be the case, is it when network activated or even when activated per site?
Issue resolved!
I have to go to the php.ini and enable it after installation.
But now, here is a notice I got on my dashboard after network activating the plugin
We noticed that you’re using an unsupported environment. While MailPoet might work within a MultiSite environment, we don’t support it.
What’s the possible danger ahead?
- This reply was modified 5 years ago by UgoDimma.
In addition, I created out new subdomain from the main site, which is . Only few plugins are active on the site, which are plugins that are network enabled on the main network site, which includes
- Advanced Access Manager
- Akismet Anti-Spam
- GitHub Updater
- iThemes Security
- Jetpack by
- Really Simple SSL
- Wordfence Security
- WordPress Importer
- WordPress MU Domain Mapping
- WP Mail SMTP
- WP Multi-Network
- WP Telegram
- WP Telegram Login
- WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache
- Yoast SEO
Please do take a look at the page to see as it happened before I uninstall to install the stable version.
The website provided is running the default wordpress theme, Twenty Nineteen
You can also check this site , all the pages are with comment box enable.Hey @vasyltech
I have just re-installed version 6 and network activate it on my network site.
Without any further settings yet, just network activated as I does with version 5.11 and comment box now started to appear on my pages including home page as you can see on here and also
Note: No settings yet has been configured.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Essential Real Estate] No Side Bar On ERE PagesNevertheless, I didn’t want to hide the sidebar, I just want it to appear at the right position instead of appearing beneath the main content. But because I can’t make it appear where I want it to, I decided to remove it totally, but will be glad if I can find a way to make it appear as it is at the demo page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Essential Real Estate] No Side Bar On ERE PagesHere is a screenshot of the page from your site.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Essential Real Estate] No Side Bar On ERE PagesI took a look at your site and discover that your site is having the same issue like mine.
Here at this your property page,
The side bar also appears beneath the main content, instead of appearing right beside the main content.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Essential Real Estate] No Side Bar On ERE PagesWithout sidebar on single property really takes away a lot of features from the site. So commenting out do_action(‘ere_sidebar_property’); doesn’t serve any good to me other than to make the site look a bit mature, because leaving the sidebar beneath the main content look amateur.