I get this error too. Please see the latest post with detailed info about REQUEST and RESPONSE. I’m using latest WordPress and latest WP-GDPR 1.4.3. Before 1.4.3 it was working this ajax call by the way.
This is crazy, I was testing this plugin in staging!!! By the way the source code is still there, so you can get it and copy to your plugin folders. It will work anyways.
uhm I don’t understand, I have implemented the consent, but if the customer will disable it, how may I prevent Google Analytics from loading on client browser? Is there a cookie policy some where stored on the client browser that can block GA?
I’m new to this plugin in, I have a question, where are you using the IP anon? I mean, supposed the user negate the Google Analytics Consent, there is no actually way to block it automatically, isnt’ it?