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latest version
anyone maintaining this plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Appointment Calendar] Disabling Fixed Calendar on frontendhi, in the premium version of this plugin, is it possible to allow booking only if the user has made a payment?
Updated to latest version of Ultimate Member, running php version 7.1.1 and same issue still. cant edit existing fields on form builder, cant create new fields.
same issue happening with me.
same issue happening with me
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Member Profile Tabs] tabs don't showsent.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Member Profile Tabs] how to create subnavs?ok i made the form role specific and the page loads now but the form doesnt show on tab.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Member Profile Tabs] how to create subnavs?Anyway, i have just bought the pro-version, and when i click on the custom tab now it will load forever till browser times out. What could be wrong?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Member Profile Tabs] how to create subnavs?Oh ok, got it. thanks so much. another thing before I buy the pro-version. how to have the first subnav of tab to be displayed as default when that tab is accessed?
My problem was to do with other plugin incompatibility. Anyway I managed to solve it. My apologies. Keep up the great job Ultimate Member.
Hi, i am interested in buying some extensions. but i need to see if i can progress with this first structural part first. if all is good i will be acquiring the woocommerce extension and probably others too. So please help me get through this basic thing as soon as possible.
DiegoHi, i finally got what was wrong and got my Profile custom tab on.
But now got stuck with the fact that I can’t add content of an existing page to the new custom tab.
I am using the code below.. should be working but it does not. Could you please direct me to what may be wrong with my code?add_action('um_profile_content_pages_default', 'um_profile_content_pages_default'); function um_profile_content_pages_default( $output ) { ob_start(); ?> <div class="um-field"> <?php $my_id = 50; $post_id = get_post($my_id); $content = $post_id->post_content; $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content); $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content); echo $content; ?> </div> <?php $output .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; }
where 50 is the page id number.
Since couldn’t get that problem solved, I am now using the Front-End Only Users plugin. Its simpler but works smoothly. recommended.
really frustrating. wanted to use this plugin, but started considering an alternative plugin.