Forum Replies Created
If it helps. The only way I can get it to display is if while on a page I clear the browser’s temp inet files and then refresh the page. THen the images will show on that page. But the slideshow won’t work when I go on to the next page.
FYI – the home page has a static image – not part of the slideshow.
I’m having a similar problem. The loading graphic just keeps spinning. If I refresh the page it will load fine but on first load I get nothing but the spinner.
WP 3.1 and NextGen Version 1.7.4
*added* I take that back – the refresh didn’t work after all.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PCI scan FailingI’m researching this issue for a client. Would love to know if anyone has found a solution yet. I suspect it to be something non-WordPress related since I’m using clean URLs but I have seen that I can pass XSS hacks on the URL and they are NOT sanitized.
See for more info
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: wp-print pluginFab Plugin. Thank you.
One request. Could you make it so we can print drafts? I like to print them out when I travel so I can edit them while on the plane.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade caused loss of Categories>> though that would suggest that at one time your blog was at a pre-2.2 version
I’ve written it down this time! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade caused loss of CategoriesWell I can’t explain it then. Michael and I tried several different things including complete fresh installations, importing the SQL dump files and changing the transfer type. None of which worked. The only thing I did differently was to remove those lines. In fact, I just added them back in and uploaded that file again. Categories and blogroll dissapear. Took them out and uploaded. Everything is back to normal.
Adding DB_COLLATE and DB_CHARSET to the wp-config.php file, for an existing blog, can cause problems — as Ryan Boren says, “your queries will go boom!”
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade caused loss of CategoriesAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh….. found it. Michael, you’re not going to believe this – but actually you will.
The whole issue had to do with two lines of code that I SHOULDN’T have left alone.
wp-config.php define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); define('DB_COLLATE', '');
Removed these and I got my categories and blog-roll back. Note to self (and anyone else who reads this). Do NOT use the famous 5 Minute install/upgrade as your guide for upgrading. Read actual installation instructions. They say quite clearly to remove these lines (unless you really do need them – which most of us don’t).
My apologies.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade caused loss of Categories[moderated email address-Email sent to lorax]
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade caused loss of CategoriesHmmm… well I deactivated the Plugins and then uploaded the update and darn…. lost my categories and blogroll again!! This is very annoying since I seem to be the only one who experiences the issue.
Where to go from here?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Initial thoughts on themeAck!! I see an Apache welcome screen!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade caused loss of CategoriesThanks guys. Will try by weeks end and report back.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade caused loss of CategoriesJust a clarification request re: plugins. I did realize that I had forgotten I had Askimet installed. Should this be deactivated prior to upgrade or removed altogether?
RE: database. My issue seems to be code related only. The info is still there in the db. The fact that it is independent of the theme (I switched between my chosen theme and the WP default and had the same issue) places the issue with the WP core code. This upgrade issue is an interesting possibility. My db indicates it’s all set (6124). The only thing I can think of that may have been an anomaly is the plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade caused loss of CategoriesFYI – I put my old files back on the server (v2.3.1) and I have both my categories and blogroll back. Guess I’ll run it this way and attempt a hand edit of the upgrade affected files later.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade caused loss of CategoriesTried giving the user full permissions and still no cats. Thanks anyhow.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade caused loss of CategoriesI have no plugins. The only thing I’ve added is a template (Networker) and I tried switching to the WP Classic but the issue still exists.
I should add that I don’t get an error like the OP. I can see the cats in the db but they don’t show in Public or Admin.