• s.wini


    Hello, I changed color of lytesprite.png and added my png via css. All works on Desktop and browser scaling, but on mobile your red original is visible ?? (Even when I overrite your file in includes folder).
    is there another png for mobile?

    Best wishes


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    Hey Sabine;
    On mobile by default LYTE switches to the normal YT embed almost immediately (to avoid users having to click “play” twice), hence the updated png is not visible, but if you enable “local thumbnail caching” LYTE’s behavior should change and you should see you own image, can you give that a try?


    Thread Starter s.wini


    Hey Frank, that worked, but now all clips got a black preview ??


    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    The problem is that the lyteCache.php script (e.g. https://www.wolfgangkleiber.de/wp-content/plugins/wp-youtube-lyte/lyteCache.php?origThumbUrl=%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FzFJ63MYUG8k%2Fhqdefault.jpg) is being blocked from being accessed directly (a 403 not allowed error is sent) by e.g. a security plugin or by your host, so you will have to ensure that wp-content/plugins/wp-youtube-lyte/lyteCache.php is allowed to be accessed Sabine.

    Thread Starter s.wini


    Thanks a lot Frank, activating php access for plugins in solid security did the trick ??

    Waiting for reply of them, how to exclude this one cache php from:

        RewriteRule ^wp\-content/plugins/.*\.(?:php[1-7]?|pht|phtml?|phps)\.?$ - [NC,F]

    What I tried so far didn’t work ??

    <FilesMatch !wp\-content/plugins/wp-youtube-lyte/lyteCache\.php$>
    Require all denied

    Thanks a lot so far!


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