Forum Replies Created
Nothing in the installation changed except for updating your plugin.
Updated your plugin, problem occurred.
Rolled back the update on your plugin to the previous version, problem disappeared.
I am not going to pull down my entire site and spend several hours methodically re-enabling everything to figure out that it is actually in fact your plugin that is causing itself not to work.
This is very simple, it worked before the update, nothing else changed, and if I apply the last update, it stops working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] jQuery Migrate Helper warnings – WooCommerceWe’re on our own for now.
I literally just applied a Woocommerce update last night, and I had to go back in and re-fix the file I had fixed before, because they very helpfully replaced it with one that had the same error as before.
I guess I’m just gonna have to do this every time Woo pushed out an update.
That’s quite irritating, especially considering that they’re using obsolete code, AND they know how to fix it.
If I can apply the fix in less than ten minutes, there is zero reason why the developer in charge of this at Woo can’t also fix it going forward.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] jQuery Migrate Helper warnings – WooCommerceOK, just so I’m clear as to what is going on here.
They’re going to fix this issue going forward, so I’m not going to have to go dig through Woo files and manually edit them going forward, right?
I’m just wondering how deeply I need to document what I did in case I have re-apply this fix after the next Woo update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] jQuery Migrate Helper warnings – WooCommerceOK, I think I really fixed it this time.
In the file https://XXXX.XXX/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/cart-fragments.min.js
Find “c=r.parseJSON(sessionStorage.getItem” and replace it with “c=JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem”
This just replaces the deprecated jQuery.parseJSON() function with the native Javascript function JSON.parse().
Their functions are identical (near as I can tell). This substitution fixed the error and did not impact functionality of my site (again, near as I can tell).
Hope that helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] jQuery Migrate Helper warnings – WooCommerceNevermind, I thought I fixed it, but it’s back.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by logicindustries. Reason: Found out that I was wrong, don't want to give the guy bad info
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] jQuery Migrate Helper warnings – WooCommerceI’m getting the exact same error from jQuery Migrate, pointing at the exact same Woocommerce file as the OP.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Oblique] Update to WP 5.5 breaks the “recent posts” home page.Sorry man, I have no other suggestions for you.
I FTP into my server directly, but I see no reason why using the CPanel File Manager would not also work. Having said that though, I have not tried doing it that way.
Sorry, as I said at the start, I’m operating way out on the edge of my knowledge base here, so I’m not really equipped to do any troubleshooting for you.
I mean, I didn’t even come up with the fix I posted, that was from another kind soul here on these forums (named @rakaloah , who posted the original fix a few posts up in this very thread), I just typed up the steps I took to implement it on my setup.
Once we’re past that direct knowledge, I’m afraid I ain’t gonna be much help.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Oblique] Update to WP 5.5 breaks the “recent posts” home page.That’s why you just re-name the old file instead of deleting it.
If you DO crap-up the modification the first time, you just delete the new file you put in there and un-rename the old one and you’re right back to where you started from.
Which would be with a broken home page, but that’s no worse off than you are now.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Oblique] Update to WP 5.5 breaks the “recent posts” home page.OK, you need FTP access to the site.
Open up your FTP client and connect to your web server (the one your site is hosted on).
In the root directory where WordPress is installed on that server, you should find the folder called “wp-content” and open it.
Inside it find the folder called “themes” and open it.
Inside it find the folder called “oblique” and open it.
Inside it find the folder called “js” and open it.
Inside it find the folder called “vendor” and open it.
Inside that folder find the file called “masonry-init.js” and download a copy of it to your local computer (the one running the FTP client).
Open that file in a text editor and do a find command for the line
var colGroup = this._getColGroup( colSpan );
Replace that line with this one
var colGroup = this._getTopColGroup( colSpan );
Save the text file and close it.
On the FTP client rename the existing file called “masonry-init.js” to “masonry-init.js.OLD”
Then upload the “masonry-init.js” file that you just modified from your computer to the server using your FTP client.
That will fix your problem, but we need to make WordPress read the new JS file instead of the old one.
To get WordPress to you read the new JS file you just uploaded (instead of working off the cached version of the old one), go into the WordPress backend and change your theme to anything other than Oblique, make sure WP has loaded the new theme, then switch back to Oblique.
That should have you back up and running on the updated JS file.
It’s important that you rename and don’t delete the old JS file that’s already on the server, that way you can go back and try again if you mess up the modification the first time around.
Hope that helps.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Oblique] Update to WP 5.5 breaks the “recent posts” home page.I just switched to another theme and then back to Oblique.
Sort of a manual version of the same thing. The new script enqueues when the theme starts up, same as if you’d never ran that theme before.
Since Themeisle stopped updating Oblique, I’ve just modified the original files to stop them being end-of-life’d, so I’m not squeamish about modifying the original files.
I keep a clean copy of the original Oblique offline as a backup, as well as documentation of all the things I’ve changed so that I can start from square one again if I have to.
Plus, I run Revisr and Get for version control, so if things go terribly pear shaped on me, I just roll back to a previous known-good commit and try something else.
Glad it helped someone.
Another user named rakaloah over in the Oblique theme forum (that’s the theme my child theme is based on) figured out my problem and how to fix it.
For completeness’ sake, I’m reposting his solution here in it’s entirety:
rakaloah said:
WordPress 5.5 updated its bundled Masory.js from version 3.3.2 to version 4.2.2.
Did some research on this and I found that Oblique uses ‘wp-content/themes/oblique/js/vendor/masonry-init.js’ to initialize masonry.In that file, the function _getColGroup:
var colGroup = this._getColGroup( colSpan );
was changed to _getTopColGroup in masonry version 4, so just change that line to:
var colGroup = this._getTopColGroup( colSpan );
and Oblique works again.I love this theme but it has been abandoned by its authors.
Maybe it’s time to move on because who knows when it will break again in the future.I have applied his fix and verified that it works.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help. I hope that feller’s fix helps other people with the same problem, or at least points people in the right direction.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Oblique] Update to WP 5.5 breaks the “recent posts” home page.Huzzah! That fixed it!
You are a saint among men, and likely smell very good as well.
I too love this theme, and I really don’t want to move away from it.
I’ll rage against the night until I hit a snag that nobody smarter than me can fix. Then I’ll cry a little bit and go find a new theme.
But until that day comes, the ride never ends.
Thanks much for your help, it is greatly appreciated.
Tried that plugin, activated both before and after updating to 5.5
No joy in either scenario.
I have verified that it is in fact the WP update that is breaking stuff, as the problem repeats after doing nothing but updating WP to 5.5
Any other suggestions?
After poking around a little bit, it seems like maybe the masonry script is misbehaving and piling up my post blocks all in one space.
Could this be caused by the change away from the older jquery version when they updated to 5.5?
There are calls to jquery all over the functions.php file of my theme (as I expect there are in all of them), but perhaps the bundled scripts with my theme are expecting to encounter the older jquery version and are wigging out when they are fed through the new one?
If this is my issue, would using the “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” plugin help or solve it?
I’m just grasping at straws here guys. I’m not a web programmer, I’m a machinist, so I’m working waaaaaay out on the edge of my knowledge here (past it really, if I’m being honest).
If you made it this far, again, thank you for your time.
I also found that you can add a note to the customer via the “Order Notes” section in the lower right hand pane on the “Edit Order” page.
If you set the note to “Note to Customer” instead of “Private Note” an email will be pushed out to the customer with the note you made as well as a copy of their invoice and order details, etc.
Just FYI, in case someone later comes along and wants to know how to add a Note to the order without having to install a new plug-in.