I found a place for Sandbox Credentials here: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/applications/
But the credentials have different labels than the WP EVENT TICKETING SETTINGS WINDOW.
Endpoint api.sandbox.paypal.com
Client ID AYWb9hBOSmkzWPUV….agz-loOGqCPNaNxrOk6qKWrlZj4ghbVTWE89v3kF
Secret EHQxpxBKBQYber95e7….6Gqteb2znF8lbo5HyZIv8t9tl59nogS6ABtl3j
I pasted secret into password, and client ID into API signature and Endpoint in Username but it still returned the Security Header error. It doesn’t look like WP Event Ticketing is really ready to test using the Sandbox. It would be great. Playing live is more nerve wracking than playing in the sandbox.