The post of the text it won’t let me add is:
“The two at the top with the triangle and dot are measures of divergence; this is the amount that the field (E for electric, B for magnetic) points straight out from a point or in a volume. Electric charge causes electric field divergence. There is no divergence of magnetic fields because there is no magnetic charge. The bottom two equations measure curl; this is the amount that the fields curl around a point or in a volume. An example of a thing that diverges would be light rays straight from a source; something that curls might be the vortex that forms in water as it spins down the drain.”
Nerd stuff, I can’t imagine what security it would trip. On the other hand, there is a post I did on maxwell’s equations a long time ago that suddenly developed the same problem; it’s there, but it won’t let me edit it.
You think that’s the problem?
And 777 is a bad idea, yes?