OK, I did a test post from my laptop .. fist I added a new post with text only to see if it would publish. It published, did not delete anything .. went to main site to check it and all the text was there.
Went back to post, hit Edit .. inserted a recipe card in the middle of body of text, hit update, it published and did not delete anything. hhmmph.
Went to main site and the test post with the text and the recipe card are there. ??
The only thing is this: My blog posts are set to not show the whole post on the blog page, but instead show each entry with the first few lines and the “read more” option … this test post posted the entire post instead, and shows the recipe card in there as text only …. but if you click on the blog post headline and let it take you to the actual blog post recipe page itself, it shows the text and recipe card in full color and proper format.
Any ideas?