Forum Replies Created
Thanks – works great! You have likely saved me hours of frustration with this!
Did you add your custom post type name under the “Custom Post Type (comma-deliminated):” field in the template?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 3.2.1 Image Upload HTTP ErrorJust to add to the randomness:
I am using WP 3.2.1 on a Windows XP system and Firefox 3.6.23. When uploading images I get the red HTTP error the first attempt, but if I try a second time it works. This error was occurring randomly before, but now it seems to have settled in to doing it every time.
I just tried the image uploader in IE8 and it worked great the first time. So more and more this is looking like a browser + Flash issue.
I had to rework the included thumbnail template to get it to work right with my setup. When you upload your image are you selecting the “use as featured image” button instead of “insert into post”? I ended up doing it this way and then inserting the_post_thumbnail() into single.php where I wanted the related thumbnails to show up. Maybe that will help with which images get pulled?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Table Reloaded] Validation issues with generated HTML:Hello Tobias –
That did the trick – thank you so much for helping! I found it on the first plugin I deactivated – Inline Posts – and now the pages are validating perfectly!
I really appreciate your help with this, especially when it isn’t even your plugin causing the error. I am thrilled with WP-Table Reloaded – it is such a powerful tool to add to WordPress.
Many, many thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Table Reloaded] Validation issues with generated HTML:Thank you Tobias for your quick reply –
You are correct about the
coming from the copy/paste of the shortcode, and I was able to eliminate that.The
<p id="top" />
is still present when I switch to the Twenty Ten theme, so I started dissecting my page template and found that if I removed this from the page<?php the_content('Continue Reading »'); ?>
the stray code disappears. I found information here:
Link Jumps to More or Top of Page and added the suggested code to my functions.php file – which removed the<p id="top" />
but not the closing p. Will continue to see what I can do to clean this up.Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction and helping me sort this out!
Thanks mitcho for your reply –
Just to be clear: this means that custom taxonomies are not part of the calculation of relatedness?
Other than services.php and magic.php, which files would need to be adjusted – where is the “relatedness query-generating section” located in the plugin?
Thanks very much Scott – I will play around and see what I can make work. I appreciate the insight!
Yes – I have been looking through the Options section and it would appear that there are any number of things that can be done with this plugin, but the README.txt file only seems to hint what they are for, with very little clue as to how to implement them.
Can you give me a few hints on using the PHP Code section? The most basic question is does the PHP code added only affect how the form is constructed (as in your example)? In other words, if i want to add some PHP code that is conditional on the existence of data in the field (if data then print xyz following data)is this the way to do it? I am assuming you use code = 0 (or 1 etc.) to call the code?
Thanks very much for any insight you can offer!
Likewise I have limited my CFT to posts only using the radio button in Post Type. The result is that the CF Template is only available in posts not pages, but the CFT meta box still shows up on pages – it is just an empty meta box. Is there any way to make the empty meta box disappear? It is not a huge problem, but I would like to de-clutter the UI as much as possible to make it easier for my users. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding Tags with commas in them?I have set up a work-around for this issue – not a great solution, but an improvement over what I was doing previously:
I am still entering tags for persons in the metabox as Lastname – Firstname but I have added some code to my single.php script to do a str_replace() for the dash replacing it with a comma. This way my tag displays Lastname, Firstname. Search results seem to work well (I am using Search Everything plugin). My code looks something like this:
<?php $persons_list = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'persons', 'Persons: ', ', ', '' ); $dash_to_comma = str_replace(' - ', ', ', $persons_list); echo $dash_to_comma; ?>
Let me know if anyone can think of a better way to do this – especially if it involves writing a plugin to change how the tags are entered in the metabox to begin with. Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Series] Replacing Series Titles with Thumbnails?I scrapped the Series plugin and went with the WP post thumbnail option. I used get_posts() by category slug and replaced the_title() in the usual setup with the_post_thumbnail(). Here’s one example that I implemented on my category.php page to show thumbnails of all the images from a particular category:
<ul class="my_style"> <?php $cat_slug = get_category(get_query_var('cat'))->slug; $postslist = get_posts('numberposts=-1&order=ASC&category_name=' . $cat_slug . '&orderby=date'); foreach ($postslist as $post) : setup_postdata($post); ?> <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail(array(80,80));?></a></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul>
I’m not sure this is the most elegant solution, but it was easier for me than trying to figure out the same sort of thing using custom taxonomies.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Adding Image metadata to my child themeI was able to sort this out after reading through this blog post: WordPress Gallery and EXIF. I had to dig through the comments section as well, and customize it pretty heavily for my needs. I am posting the link in case it is helpful to anyone looking pull EXIF data out of the database.
I second the wish for 2) add album/gallery as a link! Is there any way to hack this that you have found?
That worked great for me, thanks!