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  • Thread Starter LJ902


    Apologies Tim – you were right. It wasn’t a WP plugin per se but clearly at some point in the distant past I had added a mini jQuery based twitter feed into the theme which I’d overlooked and was causing the error and you plugin to break.

    Thanks for your time (and sorry to have wasted it!)


    Hey Steve – big thanks for posting up this solution. Irritatingly had a couple of clients who had purchased hosting with Namesco and I’ve been banging my head against a brick wall trying to get rewrites to work on Zeus.

    Can’t think of a good reason why the .txt rename solution you posted should work, but work it does! Thanks for sharing

    A plus one from me too – would be really handy to have hierarchical taxonomies list out as a nested list.

    Just out of interest is the plugin playing nicely with the last RC of GF1.6? Haven’t had a chance to try it out with any of the betas just yet.

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Sorry scribu – being an idiot. Just noticed that more recent versions of QMT don’t cut out the terms anymore anyway. Marked as resolved…

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Hi Scribu

    Was just wondering if you would be able to give me some pointers regarding how to achieve the above? My clients not to keen on the terms disappearing and would rather have the terms there even if they do not contain any posts.

    Would I have to hack the plugin or can I use the new mustache templates to achieve that sort of thing? Thanks in advance

    Thread Starter LJ902


    That’s OK – I can exercise a little patience on that one!

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Awesome – that’s now working just fine on my dev site. I see you’ve got checkboxes in 1.6 too – looking forward to taking them out for a spin!

    Top work as always Scribu – thanks again!

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Yeah – I thought that to start with but in my theme it’s definitely the taxonomy.php template that’s loaded when there are no posts and on 2010 it’s definitely the archive.php that’s loaded.

    In either case the widget title shows up which (i would think) suggests that the right sidebar is being loaded.

    I’ve noticed that on another clients live site where I’m using the plugin I’m getting the same problem. Don’t know if would help you identify what’s going on but here’s the URL. It’s a pretty simple set up – two custom taxonomies attached to a custom post type (resources).

    If you choose ‘ITF publications’ for ‘resource type’ and ‘business and commerce’ for ‘resource subject’ (there a re currently no posts that match both of these terms) you can see what I’m getting at. I don’t get a 404 – it displays the taxonomy page and the message that I set up in my else: statement in the loop. It also shows the widget name in the sidebar but no resources underneath.

    This is the same issue that I’m seeing on the site I’m developing on both my own theme and on 2010. Might see if I can replicate it on a clean install now but if you have any new insights given the above ramble then let me know! Thanks

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Hi Scribu

    I thought your recent 1.5.1 fix had resolved this problem but it seems there is still an issue with the widget disappearing. It’s certainly working better than it was – now when the user selects one or more taxonomy terms with matching posts, the posts are displayed along with the widget.

    However, I’m finding that if the user selects a combination of taxonomy terms and there isn’t a post to match them, I get my taxonomy display message for no posts (as expected) but the widget only displays the title – the dropdowns, submit button and reset link all disappear.

    I’m running 1.5.1 for the plugin and wordpress 3.2. I’ve switched to 2010 and disabled all non essential plugins (like custom post type UI) and I get the same problem so it’s not my theme. I’ve switched to lists and that works fine (though by the nature of the list view, you can’t filter down to no posts)

    Any idea if this is related to the similar issue above? Perhaps something to do with upgrading to wordpress 3.2?

    Many thanks

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Grand – thanks again Scribu, much appreciated! : )

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Thanks for suggestion Scribu – unfortunately it didn’t get me too far. In list mode the reset button appears when on a page using taxonomy.php but still nothing else. I’ve made sure that I’m choosing a taxonomy that has terms with several posts associated with them for testing (so basically it’s not a case of there being no posts for a particular term)

    The fact that I have the exact same problem on 2010 as I do in my own theme suggests that maybe its got something to do with my taxonomies or custom post types. They’re set up using custom post type UI. Seeing as I’ve got another site with the exact same setup and everything s working there has me a bit stumped.

    Don’t suppose you can think of anything else? Anyone else report similar problems? I did scour the first few pages of the forum but couldn’t see many examples of the same issue.

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Thanks scribu

    Can you post a link? The one in the wordpress plugin library is still marked at as 1.3?

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Thanks Scribu, but I just can’t work this out! Checked and double checked page ids (no change) and for good measure I deleted the pages and created new ones (again, no change.

    It’s bizarre as it was all working fine about a month ago so it’s obviously something that I’ve done or installed in the interim. I’ve disabled all the plugins I can think of, completely scrapped the subdomain I was redirecting to, taken htaccess down to just the permalinks instructions wordpress generates.

    I tried building it up from the beginning (i.e. starting with just the plugin). Then I added the page redirect to just page e.g.

    function my_qmt_base_url() {
    	return get_page_link( 126 );
    add_filter( 'qmt_reset_url', 'my_qmt_base_url' );

    Which all works fine (proving the page id is correct) but when I try and add two resets to different pages depending on the taxonomy in play e.g.

    function my_qmt_base_url( $url ) {
    	// Get the list of queried taxonomies
    	$tax_names = array_keys( qmt_get_query() );
    	// Choose page ID
    	if ( in_array( 'job_types', $tax_names ) || in_array( 'location', $tax_names ) || in_array( 'expertise', $tax_names ) )
    		$page_id = 126;
    	elseif ( in_array( 'resource_subjects', $tax_names ) || in_array( 'resource_types', $tax_names ) )
    		$page_id = 129;
    	// etc.
    	return get_page_link( $page_id );
    add_filter( 'qmt_reset_url', 'my_qmt_base_url' );

    I get the problem of it linking to the current post. Can’t really think of anything else to try – anyone else out there having/had the same problem?

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Awesome – thanks Scribu! Just uploaded the dev version and now it works like a charm. Thanks again for all the support – soon as I get paid for this project I’ll bung you some beer tokens! Keep up the good work!

    Thread Starter LJ902


    Hi again – sorry for slow reply and thanks very much for the help so far!

    You were right on the money as far as the disappearing jobtypes goes – added another test post with both jobtypes and that seems to have solved things on that score.

    The dropdown now works perfectly including the reset which keeps me on the same (find snapshots) page. However, the list view (which is the one I want to use). Still takes me back to the homepage.

    The filter functionality works just fine, but if I click on the minus sign next to the taxonomy name (which I’m guessing acts as a reset button?) or I remove any currently selected filters, I’m returned to the homepage instead so staying on find snapshots.

    If you have any idea why that would be happening I’d be really grateful. If not then no worries, I can use the dropdown just fine (speaking of which, do you have any plans to make it possible for users to select multiple options from a dropdown – that might be handy).

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