Forum Replies Created
Ok, that is good to know. I would love to talk to support today if possible. The site launch is being blocked by this issue. I just submitted a support ticket through your site. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your help
I have screenshots of the before save/after save showing how the html is stripped upon save or upon loading/query. Can’t add them here though.
Hello, thank you! I just checked it and it is still not working correctly. When I go into the ‘edit profile’ page and add any formatting such as headings, paragraph breaks, bullet points, media, etc and save, none of that formatting carries over to the saved profile view. Any idea why? again, I just went through the process of manually adding some js to replace each textarea with a tinymce editor. Unfortunately when I save the input it removes all the rich text formatting, and any media I add in to the editor doesn’t get saved. Hoping this can be fixed soon. Thank you.
Here is the code I have added:
tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea', height: 400, toolbar: 'undo redo | formatselect | ' + 'bold italic backcolor | alignleft aligncenter ' + 'alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | ' + 'removeformat | help | media', plugins: "media", media_url_resolver: function (data, resolve/*, reject*/) { if (data.url.indexOf('YOUR_SPECIAL_VIDEO_URL') !== -1) { var embedHtml = '<iframe src="' + data.url + '" width="400" height="400" ></iframe>'; resolve({html: embedHtml}); } else { resolve({html: ''}); } } });
Hi, thank you for the suggestion. I had already tried installing that plugin and it does not replace the ‘text area’ field with a rich text editor on the front end ‘edit profile’ page. If I am missing something please let me know. Thank you
Thank you again for your quick response!
Ok, so I can expect to have a generic rich text field that I can add in the next few weeks? If not, I may move away from your plugin and need to know as a client needs this functionality.
Thank youHell, thank you for fixing the paragraph issue soon, that is great to hear. Any estimate on when the release will happen?
I understand there can only be one ‘biographical info’ field. I am requesting a custom or generic rich text field, not multiple biographical info fields. In the same way you have the ‘text area’ field, can you please please add a ‘rich text’ field? This seems very important and would be useful to anyone.
Regarding the youtube, there was a misunderstanding. I know how to add new fields for a group, there is a field already for a singular youtube video, what I am requesting is a youtube channel field. This would be similar to your facebook page url field, and would be a place for users to put the link to their youtube *channel. Not a video.
Thank youAnother issue found. I need to add multiple rich text fields, but the only field that has it is the ‘biographical Info’ field. Instead of creating a second or third rich text field, it just adds multiple instances of the first biographical info field, and all the fields after the first don’t have the rich text toolbar showing and have other layout issues. Please fix this asap.
Also, can you please add a youtube channel field similar to the facebook and instagram specialized url fields?
Hello, I see that in a recent release that the rich text editor was added to the ‘bio’ field but it appears to have a bug that does not recognize paragraph breaks. Each time I save it and look at the public facing profile there are no paragraph breaks and most of the formatting is removed. Can you please troubleshoot this?
Here is a url: you. I appreciate it.