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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ WooCommerce] Strona w rozsypce (panel admina)Problem wyst?puje równie? na mojej stronie.
Gdy wtyczka Apaczki jest aktywna, to nie mog? edytowa? opisu produktów, dodawa? i usuwa? zdj?? produktów ani prze??cza? zak?adek (np. w opisie z “Tekstowy” na “Wizualny”)
Pocz?tkowo my?la?em, ?e problem powoduje wtyczka “Flexible Shipping for WooCommerce”, ale otrzyma?em odpowied? od jej twórców, ?e to wina wtyczki od Apaczki, która ?aduje skrypt w panelu admina.
Prosz?, ogarnijcie temat, bo w tym momencie korzystanie z pluginu jest mocno utrudnione.
Dear Marta @martapaw
Thank you for checking this issue and letting me know.
I’ll contact with Apaczka developers to fix the problem.
Have a nice day,
KamilThank you for quick reply.
I couldn’t find anything in debug log.
Here is a WooCommerce system status: here you can find errors from DevTools console in my browser. I’ve checked it after clicking “Edit product” in the back-end of my site. have also some problems with editing product description just like @stefan444 wrote above, but not on every product.
I have the same problem. I’m using Astra theme but I tried to use Storefront theme instead, and it didn’t help. There is probably JS conflict or sth.
I can’t add or edit featured image or product gallery when Flexible Shipping plugin is activated.The problem began to occur after the last update. Could you help me?
My page is:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My auctions allegro] Problem po aktualizacji@grojanteam Wysuwany panel boczny wygl?da bardzo dobrze ?? Pomy?l? nad tym, by go dodatkowo umie?ci?. Dzi?ki raz jeszcze!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My auctions allegro] Problem po aktualizacji@grojanteam
?wietnie! Wszystko dzia?a ??Dzi?kuj? serdecznie za tak b?yskawiczn? reakcj? i pomoc.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My auctions allegro] Problem po aktualizacjiDzi?kuj? za pomoc.
Niestety problem dalej istnieje. Po imporcie aukcji strona znów si? nie ?aduje.Przez kilka godzin nie b?d? odpowiada?, bo wyje?d?am, ale wieczorem znów wróc? na forum.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My auctions allegro] Problem po aktualizacjiadres strony:
https://stolica-mody.plNormalnie strona rozszerza?a si? na ca?? szeroko?? strony (za pomoc? JS), a w sekcji “Wybrane produkty” wy?wietla?y si? pobrane aukcje z shortcode’u. Poni?ej powinny by? kolejne sekcje, które si? ju? nie ?aduj?.
W panelu admina klikaj?c na “Moje aukcje allegro” mam pusty ekran.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My auctions allegro] Problem z sortowaniem aukcjiSuper ?? Teraz dzia?a pi?knie!
Dzi?ki serdeczne!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My auctions allegro] Problem z sortowaniem aukcjiDzi?kuj? za info i ci?g?e prace nad rozwojem wtyczki.
Czyszczenie aukcji dzia?a ?wietnie. Jednak co do sortowania aukcji, to pomimo tego, ?e mam ustawione: “Czas stworzenia aukcji (Malej?co)”, to nie importuje mi najnowszych aukcji, tylko importuje te, które na Allegro s? sortowane jako: “Trafno?? (najwi?ksza)”.
Jest szansa, ?e b?dzie to zmienione?
KamilForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recencio Book Reviews] rcno-full-book-description / Also in the seriesOk, I found the reason. I’ve made a little mistake when I was typing the shortcode.
Now it works!Thank you one more time ??
Please add somewhere in the plugin’s description a list of all shortcodes.
Thanks.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recencio Book Reviews] rcno-full-book-description / Also in the seriesIt worked but only when I restored the default settings of the plugin. Then this shortcode shown all books from series. I tried it on my test-site.
But it still doesn’t work on my blog. I have no idea why. I tried a lot of combinations of this shortcode using both words “series” and “seria”.
Could you write me how exactly this shortcode should look like? I’m using custom taxonomy “Seria” (slug is “seria”) and this word is added as a uncountable word in settings. Default taxonomy “Series” is deleted.
By the way, do you have a list with all of Recencio’s shortcodes?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recencio Book Reviews] rcno-full-book-description / Also in the seriesIt looks like it’s not working for me. I paste [rcno-book-list] shortcode to a review with “series” taxonomy but I’ve reveived message like this: “No entries found for the “series” taxonomy.”
Am I doing something wrong? I’ve tried also to add taxonomy parameter to this shortcode just like you wrote earlier[rcno-books-list taxonomy="series"]
but it didn’t work either. Am I missing something?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recencio Book Reviews] rcno-full-book-description / Also in the seriesIt’s nice to hear that. Thanks one more time. Having a possibility to use any taxonomy will be a great feature. Can’t wait for it ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recencio Book Reviews] rcno-full-book-description / Also in the seriesThank you. Now taxonomies are working fine ??
When it comes to “Also in series”, take your time. I’m glad that you are working on it and that you take into consideration adding another words than “series”. But you don’t have to hurry, even without this function Recencio is still the best reviews plugin for me.